Publication (Technical report): Managing biodiversity in the Sydney water supply catchments: outcomes of a workshop held at Warragamba Conference Centre, 12th and 13th October, 2000
Publication Type:Technical report / Consultancy
Publication Name:Managing biodiversity in the Sydney water supply catchments: outcomes of a workshop held at Warragamba Conference Centre, 12th and 13th October, 2000

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Cottingham, P., Georges, A., Briscoe, D., Butcher, R., Cullen, P., Deere, D., Harris, J., Hughes, J., Knowles, M., Lake, S., Lanertz, K., Paul, T., Reed, J., Williams, S. and Yates, D. (2000) Managing biodiversity in the Sydney water supply catchments: outcomes of a workshop held at Warragamba Conference Centre, 12th and 13th October, 2000. CRCFE technical report 9/2000, CRCFE, Canberra.

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    Managing Biodiversity in the Sydney Water Supply Catchments

    Peter Cottingham, Arthur Georges, David Briscoe, Rhonda Butcher, Peter Cullen, Daniel Deere, John Harris, Jane Hughes, Mary Knowles, Sam Lake, Kate Lanertz, Tony Paul, Julia Reed, Simon Williams and Don Yates.


The Sydney Catchment Authority (SCA) is currently assessing its monitoring obligations as part of a review of its operating licence. This review recognises the indicators of water and catchment condition contained in the previous Sydney Water Board licence and those identified and proposed in the Catchments Audit undertaken under the direction of an independent auditor (SCA 1999). In adopting environmental indicators in its new licence, the SCA must consider the ecological health of the 29 water supply catchments (including vegetation cover, riparian zones and water quality), and flora and fauna biodiversity.

The SCA approached the Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology (CRCFE) to provide assistance with the selection of indicators, specifically those related to biodiversity issues. In particular, information was sought to help develop indicators that could be used to identify and protect special areas that may contain endangered communities on land and water.

A specialist workshop was convened on the 12 th and 13 th October at which biodiversity issues relevant to the Sydney water supply catchment areas were identified and discussed. The workshop was attended by representatives from the SCA, CRCFE, Macquarie University, Department of Land & Water Conservation and ANSTO. This document reports on the issues and discussion that took place at the workshop.

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