Publication (Non-technical publication): Snags: a valuable but scarce resource
Publication Type:Non-technical publication - Brochure
Publication Name:Snags: a valuable but scarce resource

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CRC for Freshwater Ecology (2000) Snags: a valuable but scarce resource, CRCFE, Canberra - Brochure.

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Snags: a valuable but scarce resource

Trees and branches that fall into and lodge in our rivers (snags) are an essential part of river ecology. They support a wide range of river plants and animals,
and by being within the flowing water they help shape the river.

This brochure explains why snags are an essential part of river health and why they should be left intact wherever possible. With this information, river and
catchment management committees, resource managers and community groups will be able to confidently argue for the conservation and restoration
of snags in our rivers.

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