Publication (Non-technical publication): Conserving natural rivers: A guide for catchment managers - River management series part 1
Publication Type:Non-technical publication - Brochure
Publication Name:Conserving natural rivers: A guide for catchment managers - River management series part 1

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Peter Cullen (2002) Conserving natural rivers: A guide for catchment managers - River management series part 1, CRCFE - Brochure.

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Conserving natural Rivers - River management Series Part 1

Australia’s rivers and wetland systems contain unique plants and animals that are adapted to the varied riverflows.

Undamaged reaches of rivers are now rare in the agricultural areas of Australia. Many people realise the importance of protecting the few undamaged rivers and wetland systems that remain.

But why should we maintain undamaged rivers and wetland systems? How do we identify ones worthy of protection and how do we manage them once we identify them?

It is far cheaper for society to prevent degradation in the first place, than it is to try and restore degraded systems.

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