Publication (Non-technical publication): Assessing River Condition - River management Series Part 2
Publication Type:Non-technical publication - Brochure
Publication Name:Assessing River Condition - River management Series Part 2

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John Whittington (2002) Assessing River Condition - River management Series Part 2, CRCFE - Brochure.

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Assessing River Condition Using Existing Data - River management Series Part 2

There are many programs across Australia that assess river condition – from large-scale national programs such as the National River Health Program and the National Land and Water Resources Audit to small-scale studies undertaken by local government, regional catchment authorities and community based organisations such as Waterwatch.

There is no Australian ‘standard’ for assessing and reporting river condition. In general, each program reports its chosen indicators within a framework that is designed to address their management concerns. The challenge for regional catchment authorities is to compile the available data in a way that is useful for guiding their own river management.
This brochure has been produced to assist regional catchment authorities assess, interpret and report ecological condition of rivers in their catchments using information from existing programs.

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