Publication (Conference presentation): Metal Mine Waste Pollution of the Molonglo River, NSW and the ACT: Macroinvertebrate Bioassessment; in situ trace metal accumulation and survival of Atalophlebia australis, and Oncorhyncus mykiss.
Publication Type:Conference presentation
Publication Name:Metal Mine Waste Pollution of the Molonglo River, NSW and the ACT: Macroinvertebrate Bioassessment; in situ trace metal accumulation and survival of Atalophlebia australis, and Oncorhyncus mykiss.

Reference Information

Allanson M, Norris RH and Parsons M (1995) Metal Mine Waste Pollution of the Molonglo River, NSW and the ACT: Macroinvertebrate Bioassessment; in situ trace metal accumulation and survival of Atalophlebia australis, and Oncorhyncus mykiss.. Australian Society for Limnology 34th Congress, Jenolan Caves, NSW, September 17-20..

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Contributing CRCFE staff:
Matt Allanson; Richard Norris; Melissa Parsons

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