Publication (Book): Living on Floodplains
Publication Type:Book
Publication Name:Living on Floodplains

Reference Information

Mussared, David (1997) Living on Floodplains, CRC for Freshwater Ecology/The Murray-Darling Basin Commission, Canberra.

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Living on Floodplains
This publication is based on a single scientific insight: that floodplains are as important to rivers as bark is to trees. Stripped of their floodplains, rivers will slowly die — just as ring-barked trees do. It seems a simple idea, but its implications for the way that we manage Australia’s inland rivers are profound. Most of the processes that drive life in Australia’s inland rivers happen around their edges. Just as the sap flows through the outermost ring of a tree, not through its centre, the lifeblood of a river ebbs and flows on its floodplain.
The vegetation growing there isn’t mere decoration; it is a river’s roots and leaves.

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