Publication (Technical report): River Health Forum Dalby, Queensland, 16 May 2001
Publication Type:Technical report / Consultancy
Publication Name:River Health Forum Dalby, Queensland, 16 May 2001

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CRCFE (2001) River Health Forum Dalby, Queensland, 16 May 2001. Summary Report 101/2001.

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River Health Forum, Dalby, Queensland.
Summary Report. June 2001.

CRC for Freshwater Ecology


The CRC for Freshwater Ecology facilitated a community forum in Dalby, Queensland to discuss
river health with a focus on the Condamine-Balonne catchment. One hundred and ten people
attended the forum, including farmers, representatives of irrigation organisations, council
members, government-employed natural resource managers, thirteen speakers, environmentalists
and others. The forum was organised in response to strong community and government interest in
the health and future management of the Condamine-Balonne River system.
The purpose of the forum was to present the latest scientific insights into how rivers work and
how to assess river health in inland rivers, with particular examples drawn from the Condamine-
Balonne. It is anticipated that the forum will inform the on-going debate between community
stakeholder groups and government about water management in the Condamine-Balonne river

The information in this publication was produced by the CRCFE Knowledge Exchange Program
to provide a brief summary of the key points made by speakers at the Dalby River Health Forum

and the results of a survey of the audience.

The contents of this publication do not necessarily represent the views of members of the
Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology. For further information on specific talks
contact the speaker directly.

Prof Gary Jones CRCFE/University of Canberra
Prof Sam Lake CRCFE/Monash
A/Prof Richard Norris CRCFE/University of Canberra
Bob Munn Community Representative
A/Prof Martin Thoms CRCFE/University of Canberra
Dr Margaret Brock CRCFE/DLWC
Linda Lee Queensland EPA
Dr Satish Choy CRCFE/Queensland NR&M
Dr Glen Wilson CRCFE/Northern laboratory
Dr Lee Benson SKM
Prof Stuart Bunn CRCFE/Griffith University
Jo Voller Queensland NR&M
For further information on the River Health Forum contact the CRCFE Knowledge Exchange

Program, University of Canberra, Building 15, ACT, 2601. Email:

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