Publication (Technical report): Development of a framework for the Sustainable Rivers Audit: A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission
Publication Type:Technical report / Consultancy
Publication Name:Development of a framework for the Sustainable Rivers Audit: A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission

Reference Information

Whittington, J., Coysh, J., Davies, P., Dyer, F., Gawne, B., Lawrence, I., Liston, P., Norris, R., Robinson, W. and Thoms, M. (2001) Development of a framework for the Sustainable Rivers Audit: A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission. Technical report 8/2001.

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Development of a Framework for the Sustainable Rivers Audit: A Report to the Murray Darling Basin Commission. Technical Report no. 8/2001, August 2001.

By John Whittington, Julie Coysh, Peter Davies, Fiona Dyer, Ben Gawne, Ian Lawrence, Peter Liston, Richard Norris, Wayne Robinson, Martin Thoms

Preamble (written in 2001):
The Sustainable Rivers Audit (Audit) is being established to overcome the lack of consistent and detailed information on the health of the Murray-Darling Basin’s rivers. At the Basin scale this lack of information has made it difficult to identify the effectiveness of land and water management or justify major policy initiatives aimed at improving the riverine environment. With water becoming an increasingly scarce and valuable resource, the Basin community seeks assurance that water is being managed according to the principles of ecologically sustainable development.

The Audit is being designed to be an annual and comprehensive five-yearly review of the condition of waterways, to inform debate among the Basin community. The Audit will assist the setting and monitoring of valley targets for catchment and river health and provide a trigger to review threats to the rivers of the Basin and, where appropriate, review management actions required to address these threats.

Note added in 2004: 
After a highly successful pilot trial in four rivers, a new $11 million six-year program’ called the Sustainable Rivers Audit will ‘audit the health of the Murray-Darling Basin’s rivers and streams’ in 23 river valleys: announced on 10 June 2004 by Murray-Darling Basin Commission (MDBC) President Ian Sinclair. (See

Since this report was written, much more work has been done. It is accessible via the Murray-Darling Basin Commission's web site,

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