Publication (Journal article): A new species of long necked turtle (Chelidae:Chelodina) from the sandstone plateau of Arnhem Land, northern Australia
Publication Type:Refereed journal article
Publication Name:A new species of long necked turtle (Chelidae:Chelodina) from the sandstone plateau of Arnhem Land, northern Australia

Reference Information

Thomson, S., Kennett, R. and Georges, A. (2000) A new species of long necked turtle (Chelidae:Chelodina) from the sandstone plateau of Arnhem Land, northern Australia. Chelonian Conservation and Biology, Vol 3, No. 4, pp 675-685.

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Keywords.-- Reptilia; Testudines; Chelidae; Chelodina burrungandjii sp. nov., turtle; taxonomy; ecology; diet; reproduction; habitat; indigenous knowledge; conservation; Australia
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