Publication (Book): Design guidelines: Stormwater pollution control ponds and wetlands
Publication Type:Book
Publication Name:Design guidelines: Stormwater pollution control ponds and wetlands

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Lawrence, I. and Breen, P. (1998) Design guidelines: Stormwater pollution control ponds and wetlands, CRC for Freshwater Ecology, Canberra.

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The information contained in these guidelines builds on research undertaken jointly by the CRC for Freshwater Ecology and the CRC for Catchment Hydrology on stormwater pollution discharges and pollutant interception in stormwater control ponds and wetlands. The guidelines significantly advance our understanding of pollutant transport and transformation pathways, and our ability to select appropriate treatment facilities.

These guidelines and the associated
water quality models represent a valuable source of information for state and local government agencies, managers,
consultants and the general public concerned with stormwater management and the protection of urban waterways.

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