Publication (Thesis): Taxonomy, microspatial and temporal variation of freshwater testate amoebai (Protozoa: Phizopoda) on the submergent macrophyte Vallisneria gigantea in a River Murray Billabong.
Publication Type:Thesis
Publication Name:Taxonomy, microspatial and temporal variation of freshwater testate amoebai (Protozoa: Phizopoda) on the submergent macrophyte Vallisneria gigantea in a River Murray Billabong.

Reference Information

TAN, Lor-wai (1998) Taxonomy, microspatial and temporal variation of freshwater testate amoebai (Protozoa: Phizopoda) on the submergent macrophyte Vallisneria gigantea in a River Murray Billabong., La Trobe University, Bundoora - PhD Thesis

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