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Adam K, Baldwin D, Bashall A, Lindoy L, McPartlin M and Powell H (1994) Metal-ion recognition. Donor-set control of silver (I) / lead (II) discrimination using mixed-donor macrocyclic ligands. J.Chem.Soc.Dalton Trans., p 237.
Allanson, M and Georges, A. (1999) Diet of a sibling species pair of freshwater turtles, Elseya purvisi and Elseya georgesi (Testudinata: chelidae), from eastern Australia. Chelonian Conservation and Biology, Vol 3, No. 3, pp 473-476.
Arthington, A.H. and Marshal, C.J. (1999) Diet of the exotic Mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, in an Australia lake and potential for competition with indigenous fish species. Asian Fisheries Science, Vol 12, No. 1, pp 1-8.
Bailey P and Warwick N (1998) Salinity a threat to our streams and wetlands. Water, AWWA, May/June, pp 20-21.
Bailey RC, Norris RH, Reynoldson TB and Day KE (1995) Macroinvertebrate community structure and sediment bioassay results from nearshore areas of North American Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research , Vol 21, pp 42-52.
Baker, P.D., Brooks, J.D., Burch, M.D. and Ganf, G.G. (2000) Advection, growth and nutrient status of phytoplankton populations in the lower River Murray, South Australia. Regulated Rivers, Vol 16, No. 4, pp 327-344.
Balcombe, S.R. and Closs, G.P. (2000) Variation in carp Gudgeon (Hypseleotriss spp.) catch rate in dense macrophytes. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, Vol 15, No. 3.
Baldwin DS (1996) Effects of exposure to air and subsequent drying on the phosphate sorption characteristics of sediments from a eutrophic reservoir. Limnology and Oceanography , Vol 41, No. 8 , pp 1725-1732.
Baldwin DS (1996) The phosphorus composition of a diverse series of Australian sediments. Hydrobiolgia , Vol 335, No. 1, pp 63-73.
Baldwin DS (1998) Comments on Butyltin Contamination in Marine Mammals from North Pacific and Asian Coastal Waters. Enviromental Science and Technology, Vol 32, p 24.
Baldwin DS (1998) Reactive Organic Phosphorus revisited. Water Research, Vol 32, pp 2265-2270.
Baldwin DS, Beattie JK and Jones DR (1996) Hydrolysis of an organic phosphorus compound by iron-oxide impregnated filter papers. Water Research , Vol 30, No. 5, pp 1123-1126.
Baldwin DS, Beattie JK, Coleman LM and Jones DR (1995) Phosphate ester hydrolysis facilitated by mineral phases. Environmental Science and Technology , Vol 26, No. 6, pp 1706-1709.
Baldwin DS, Ford P and Nielsen DL (1998) Resolution of the spatial variability in sediment composition within and between water-storage reservoirs using non-parametric statistical techniques. Water Research 32, pp 826-830.
Baldwin DS, Mitchell A and Rees G (1998) Evidence for bacterially mediated Release from anoxic sediments. Mineralogical Magazine, Vol 62A, pp 9996-9997.
Baldwin S and Maher WA (1997) Spatial and temporal variation of selenium concentration in five species of intertidal molluscs from Jervis Bay, Australia. Marine Environmental Research 44 (3), pp 243-262.
Baldwin S, Maher W, Kleber E and Krikowa F (1996) Selenium in marine organisms of seagrass habitats (Posidonia australis) of Jervis Bay, Australia. Marine Pollution Bulletin , Vol 32, No. 3, pp 310-316.
Baldwin, D.S. and Mitchell, A.M. (2000) The effect of drying and re-flooding on the sediment and soil nutrient dynamics of lowland river-floodplain systems: a synthesis. Regulated Rivers; Resource Management, Vol 16, pp 457-467.
Baldwin, D.S. (1999) DOM and Dissolved P leached from Fresh and Terrestrially - Aged River Red Gum leaves - Implications for assessing River-Floodplain interactions. Freshwater Biology, Vol 41, pp 675-685.
Baldwin, D.S., Coleman, L., Beattie, J. and Jones, D. (2001) Hydrolysis of an Organophosphate Ester by Manganese Dioxide. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol 35, pp 713-716.
Baldwin, D.S., Mitchell, A.M. and Rees, G. (2000) The effect of in situ drying on sediment-P interactions in sediments from an old wetland. Hydrobiologia, Vol 431, pp 3-12.
Baldwin, D., Howitt, J. and Edwards, M. (2001) Blackwater. Austasia Aquaculture, Vol 15, No. 2, p 21.
Barmuta, L.A., Maher, W.A. and Batley, G.E (2001) Guidelines for water quality monitoring and reporting . Australasian Journal of Ecotoxicology, Vol 7, pp 199-208.
Barmuta, L.A., McKenny, C.E.A. and Swain, R. (2001) The response of a lotic mayfly Nousia sp. ( Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) to moving water and light of different wavelengths. Freshwater Biology, Vol 46, pp 567-573.

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