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Attachment IconBrock, Margaret A (1997) Are there seeds in your wetland? Assessing wetland vegetation, LWRRDC, UNE, DLWC and EA, Canberra - Brochure.
Attachment IconBrock, Margaret A. and Casanova, Michelle T. (2000) Are there plants in your wetland? Revegetating wetlands, LWRRDC, UNE, DLWC and EA, Canberra - Brochure.
Attachment IconBrock, Margaret A., Casanova, Michelle T. and Berridge, Sally M. (2000) Does your wetland flood and dry? Water regime and wetland plants, LWRRDC, UNE, DLWC and EA, Canberra - Brochure.
Attachment IconCRC for Freshwater Ecology (1996) Watershed, Issue No. 01 - February 1996, CRCFE, Canberra.
Attachment IconCRC for Freshwater Ecology (1996) Watershed, Issue No. 02 - December 1996, CRCFE, Canberra.
Attachment IconCRC for Freshwater Ecology (1997) Watershed, Issue No. 03 - April 1997, CRCFE, Canberra.
Attachment IconCRC for Freshwater Ecology (1997) Watershed, Issue No. 04 - June 1997, CRCFE, Canberra.
CRC for Freshwater Ecology (1997) Watershed, Issue No. 05 - September 1997, CRCFE, Canberra.
Attachment IconCRC for Freshwater Ecology (1997) Watershed, Issue No. 06 - October 1997, CRCFE, Canberra.
Attachment IconCRC for Freshwater Ecology (1998) Watershed, Issue No. 07 - March 1998, CRCFE, Canberra.
Attachment IconCRC for Freshwater Ecology (1998) Watershed, Issue No. 08 - May 1998, CRCFE, Canberra.
Attachment IconCRC for Freshwater Ecology (1998) Watershed, Issue No. 09 - September 1998, CRCFE, Canberra.
CRC for Freshwater Ecology (1999) Watershed, Issue No. 10 - January 1999, CRCFE, Canberra.
Attachment IconCRC for Freshwater Ecology (1999) Watershed, Issue No. 11 - March 1999, CRCFE, Canberra.
Attachment IconCRC for Freshwater Ecology (1999) Watershed, Issue No. 12 - November 1999, CRCFE, Canberra.
Attachment IconCRC for Freshwater Ecology (2000) Snags: a valuable but scarce resource, CRCFE, Canberra - Brochure.
Attachment IconCRC for Freshwater Ecology (2000) Understanding our waterways, CRCFE - Brochure.
Attachment IconCRC for Freshwater Ecology (2000) Watershed, Issue No. 13 - April 2000, CRCFE, Canberra.
Attachment IconCRC for Freshwater Ecology (2000) Watershed, Issue No. 14 - May 2000, CRCFE, Canberra.
Attachment IconCRC for Freshwater Ecology (2000) Watershed, Issue No. 15 - July 2000, CRCFE, Canberra.
Attachment IconCRC for Freshwater Ecology (2000) Watershed, Issue No. 16 - October 2000, CRCFE, Canberra.
Attachment IconCRC for Freshwater Ecology (2000) Watershed, Issue No. 17 - November 2000, CRCFE, Canberra.

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