All Publications\ByAuthor
Displaying 481 - 510 of 2527 documents

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Cullen PW (1993) Sustainable use of water resources. Sydney Water Panel of the Institution of Engineers, June..Extension publication
Cullen PW (1993) The CRC for Freshwater Ecology. AWWA, Canberra Branch, March..Extension publication
Cullen PW (1993) Water quality in crisis. Presentation to Hori-zons in Science, Univ.Tech. Sydney, August..Extension publication
Cullen PW (1993) Water quality planning. ANUTECH course on environmental management for professional staff from Phillipines, August..Extension publication
Cullen PW, Norris RH, Resh VH, Reynoldson TB, Rosenberg D and Barbour MT (1999) Collaboration in Scientific Research: A Critical Need for Freshwater Ecology. Freshwater Biology, Vol 41, No. 1, pp 131-142.Journal article
Cullen P, Doolan J, Harris J, Humphries P, Thoms M and Young B (1996) Environmental allocations - The ecological imperatives. Prime Minister's Science and Engineering Council, September.Technical report
Cullen P, Humphries P, Thoms MC, Harris J and Young W (1996) Environmental flow allocations - An ecological perspective. . Managing Australia^s inland waters: roles for science and technology, Prime Minister^s Science and Engineering Forum, Canberra, pp 54-71.Conference proceeding
Cullen, Peter (1993) Canberra - how drainage problems become community assets. Proceedings 15th Federal Convention Australian Water and Wastewater Association, Gold Coast..Conference proceeding
Cullen, Peter (1993) Ecological sustainable development of Australia's surface waters. Sydney Water Engineering panel, The Institution of Engineers Australia, June..Conference presentation
Cullen, Peter (1993) Regional water quality planning. Local Government Course in Environmental Management, University of Canberra.Conference presentation
Cullen, Peter (1994) A bottom-up approach to integrating land and water management. Stockholm Water Symposium.Conference proceeding
Cullen, Peter (1994) Catchments: Where water quality starts. ANZAAS Science Summit 1994, Geelong, September 1994..Conference presentation
Cullen, Peter (1994) Ecological imperatives for institutional reform of river management. Inland Rivers: Regulatory Strategies for Ecologically Sustainable Management, University of Sydney, November 1994..Conference presentation
Cullen, Peter (1994) Environment - Making sustainability work. Keynote address, 1994 National General Assembly of Local Government, Canberra, November, 1994..Conference presentation
Cullen, Peter (1994) Managing nutrient exports from agricultural lands. International Workshop on Restoration of Eutrophic Systems, University of Uppsala, Lake Erken laboratory, August 1994..Conference presentation
Cullen, Peter (1994) Nutrient runoff from agricultural land. Proceedings of 24th International Dairy Congress, Melbourne, September 1994..Conference proceeding
Cullen, Peter (1994) Organisational turbulence in the water industry. Ministerial Water Forum, Sydney, September 1994..Conference presentation
Cullen, Peter (1994) Report from expert seminar on algal blooms in the Hawkesbury River.Technical report
Cullen, Peter (1994) The link between effluent standards and receiving water guidelines. Proceedings BNR2 - Second Australian Conference on Biological Nutrient Removal from Wastewater, Albury, July 1994..Conference proceeding
Cullen, Peter (1995) Controlling non-point sources. Workshop on Point/Non Point Source Trading for phosphorus Discharge Reduction, Environment Protection Authority, Sydney, February 1995..Conference presentation
Cullen, Peter (1995) Foresight studies: Setting the research agenda for water in urban Australia. Key Centre for Biodiversity and Bioresources, Macquarie University..Conference presentation
Cullen, Peter (1995) Institutional arrangements for natural resource management. Seminar with visiting delegation from US Forest Service, Canberra, February, 1995..Conference presentation
Cullen, Peter (1995) Managing catchments and water. Summary of Workshop, River Basin Management Society Meeting, Kerang, May 19, 1995..Conference presentation
Cullen, Peter (1995) Paradoxes in urban stormwater management. Soil and water management for urban development, Stormwater Industry Association, Sydney, September..Conference presentation
Cullen, Peter (1995) Quality assurance in environmental research. 1995 ANZAAS Congress, Newcastle..Conference presentation
Cullen, Peter (1995) Research and the Australian water industry: The CRC for Freshwater Ecology - approaches, challenges and opportunities. Talk to Adelaide Branch, AWWA, June, 1995..Conference presentation
Cullen, Peter (1995) Setting research priorities - the ¨public-good~ dimension. Address to CRC Association Meeting, Melbourne, April 1995..Conference presentation
Cullen, Peter (1995) The Cinderella Resource - Urban stormwater in a dry country. International Symposium on Stormwater Management, Melbourne.Conference proceeding
Cullen, Peter (1995) The role of phosphorus in eutrophication. Nutrient Determination in Freshwaters Conference, Charles Sturt University, November..Conference presentation
Cullen, Peter (1995) The role of science in catchment and estuary planning. Scientific Forum into State of the Derwent, Hobart, April 1995..Conference presentation

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