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Anon (1995) Mary River Turtle, Vol. 22-23.
Anon (1997) Along the Bush Tracks, Albury-Wodonga, including plants, birds and walking trails. Monument Hill Parklands Association and Albury/Wodonga Field Naturalists, pp40..
Baldwin DS (1996) Salinity in Australian Rivers, Australasian Science, Vol.15.
Breen PF (1995) The use of constructed wetlands for urban runoff control. Presentation to a joint meeting of the Regional EPA, Traralgon and the Traralgon Regional Council..
Brown P (1996) Carp in Australia. NSW Fisheries Fish Facts 4, ISSN 1034-7690..
Button B (1994) Property management planning workshop May 1994, Longreach QLD, Queensland Department of Primary Industries.
Button B (1994) Property management planning workshop, Emerald, QLD, November 1994, Queensland Department of Primary Industries.
Button B (1994) Property management planning workshop, NSW Department of Conservation and Land Management, August 1994, Wagga.
Button B (1994) Remote sensing for landscape planning. Australian Institute of Landscape Architects, ACT Chapter, July 1995.
Button B (1994) Remote sensing for water management. CRCFE/AWWA Regional Water Quality Management Course, Canberra.
Button B (1994) Value added remote sensing for agriculture. Mildura and district educational council (MADEK).
Copland M and Norris RH (1995) A testing time for water workshops with Victorian Schools, VCAH Dookie, May 3-5..
Copland M (1996) You learn best by being there: Importance of field trips and exchanges, National Association of Agricultural Educators, Dookie, Vic..
Attachment IconCRC for Freshwater Ecology (2003) Key findings from the Interim Report of the Living Murray Scientific Reference Panel, October 2003.
Cullen P and Blackmore D (1995) Sustainability of the Murray-Darling Basin: If the salt doesn^t get you, the blue-green algae will. Federal Parliamentary Library Service^s Vital Issues Seminar, November 22..
Cullen P (1994) Nutrient and salt runoff to the Community Salinity. Leadership Program, VCAH Dookie, October 22..
Cullen P (1995) Cullen says stormwater could be better managed. In: The Water Report, EWN Publishing Pty Ltd, Sydney , Vol.7, No. 5, September 18, p4.
Cullen P (1995) Environmental flows - Who needs what and why? . Talk to ACT Branch AWWA, February 9..
Cullen P (1995) Quality issues in environmental research. Horizons in Science Media Forum Organised by UTS Sydney and Sponsored by DIST and DEST..
Cullen P (1995) What is Science? Address to the National Science Summer School, Canberra, January 27..
Cullen P (1996) Community action and water quality planning. Community Salinity Leadership Program, Victorian College of Agriculture and Horticulture, Mildura, July 5-6..
Cullen PW (1993) 21C. Summer 1994. pp.73.
Cullen PW (1993) Blue-green algae. What happens when? Summary of seminar held at Mildura TAFE, December 1993..
Cullen PW (1993) Catchment Management and Water Quality. NSW Western Divison Shires Association, Hay, March..
Cullen PW (1993) Regional water quality planning. Local Govern-ment Environmental Course, Australian Centre for Local Govt Studies, University of Canberra, August..

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