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Abel, N. (1993) Climate impact assessment and response strategies. Chapter 4 In: Climate Activities in Australia, A Report on Australian Participation in International Scientific Climate Programs, pp 37-49.
ANGKASA GHD SDN. BHD. (1996) Putrajaya Lake phase 1 concept design report - wetland component. Report to PJ Holdings SDN. BHD., p 76.
Arthington, A.H. (1999) Turtles, Frogs, Rats, Platypus and Birds of the Logan WAMP Study Area. Water Allocation Management Planning for the Logan River Basin, Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Brisbane.
Arthington, A.H. (2000) Turtles, Frogs, Rats, Platypus and Birds of the Burnett WAMP Study Area. Water Allocation Management Planning for the Burnett River Basin, Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Brisbane.
Arthington, A.H., Brizga, S.O., Bunn, S.E. and Loneragan, N.R. (1999) Estuarine Ecosystems. Water allocation management planning for the Logan River Basin, Queensland, Department of Natural Resources, Brisbane.
Arthington, A.H., Brizga, S.O., Bunn, S.E. and Loneragan, N.R. (2000) Estuarine and Marine Ecosystems. Burnett Basin WAMP, Current Environmental Conditions and Impacts of Existing Water Resource
Development, Queensland Department Natural Resources, Brisbane.
Arthington, A.H., Brizga, S.O., Choy, S.C., Kennard, M.J., Mackay, S.J., McCoster, R.O., Ruffini, J.L. and Zalucki, J.M. (2000) Environmental flow requirements of the Brisbane River downstream from Wivenhoe Dam, South East Queensland Water Corporation and Centre for Catchment and In-Stream Research, Griffith University, Brisbane.
Arthington, A.H., Kailola, P.J., Woodland, D.J. and Zalucki, J.M. (1999) Baseline Environmental Data Relevant to an Evaluation of Quarantine Risk Potentially Associated with the Importation to Australia of Ornamental Finfish. The Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Canberra, ACT, AQIS Web site, p 500.
AUSRIVAS Website (2004)
Bailey P.C.E. (1995) Effects of increased salinity on riverine and wetland biota, Canberra.
Baker R, Maher WA, Moy D and Padarin W (1997) Trade waste acceptance criteria November 1997. Technical Report TR003, Mercury, ACTEW Corporation Ltd.
Baker, P.D.; Larelle, D.Fabbro (1999) A guide to the identification of common Blue-Green algae (Cyanoprokaryotes) in Australian freshwaters. CRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No.25.
Baker, P.D.; Larelle, D.Fabbro (2002) A guide to the identification of common Blue-Green algae (Cyanoprokaryotes) in Australian freshwaters (2nd Ed.). CRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 25, CRCFE, Australia.
Baldwin, B. (1996) National Workshop on Sediment-Nutrient Interactions. Extended Abstracts, Albury, April..
Benson RL, Hart BT, McKelvie ID, Oliver R, Shalders R and Staiger G (1996) Evaluation of the iron-strip method for determining 'bioavailable' phosphorus in total freshwater samples, Monash University.
Bevitt R, Erskine W, Gillespie G, Harris J, Lake PS, Miner B and Varley I (1998) Expert Panel Environmental Flow Assessment of Various Rivers affected by the Snowy Mountains Scheme. Report to the NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation, Sydney, p 104.
Breen, P.F. and Craigie, N.M. (1995) Kurung Park drain urban runoff treatment system, p 22 p.
Breen, P.F. and Craigie, N.M. (1997) The use of wetlands for the treatment of irrigation return water. Report to Sinclair Knight Merz for Goulburn Murray Water.
Breen, P.F. and Wong, T.H.F. (1997) Review of managing urban stormwater: Treatment Techniques. Review for NSW EPA.
Breen, P.F. (1994) Identification of draft priorities, National River Health Program, Urban Water Quality Monitoring R&D Sub-program, p 4 p.
Breen, P.F. (1997) City of Brimbank natural resources strategy: Water quality. Sub-consultant report to Ecology Australia Pty Ltd, 9p.

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