Book Chapters
Displaying 61 - 90 of 101 documents

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2000Hawkins, C.P. and Norris, R.H.Effects of taxonomic resolution and use of subsets of the fauna on the performance of RIVPACS-type modelsAssessing the biological quality of freshwaters: RIVPACS and similar techniques
1996Harris JH and Rowlands SJFamily Percichthyidae, Freshwater Basses and Cods.McDowall RM (ed) Freshwater Fishes of South-Eastern Australia
1994Harris JH and Mallen-Cooper MFish-passage development in the rehabilitation of fisheries in mainland south-eastern AustraliaI.G. Cowx (ed) Rehabilitation of Freshwater Fisheries
1998Green K and Osborne WSSnow as a defining character of the alpine/subalpine faunaSnow: A natural history, an uncertain future
2004Georges, A., Rose, M. and Doody, J.S.Carettochelys insculpta, Pig-nosed TurtleThe Conservation Biology of Freshwater Turtles
1999Georges, A. and Legler, J.M.Emydura sp. (Fraser Island Short-neck)The conservation biology of freshwater turtles
2004Georges, A. and Legler, J.M.Emydura sp. (Fraser Island Short-neck)The Conservation Biology of Freshwater Turtles
1993Georges A, Limpus CJ and Parmenter CJNatural HistoryGodsell J (ed) Fauna of Australia, Volume 2: Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves. Australian Biological Resources Study
1993Georges A and Wombey JFamily Carettochelyidae.Godsell J (ed) Fauna of Australia, Volume 2: Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves. Australian Biological Resources Study
1994Georges ASetting conservation priorities for Australian freshwater turtlesLunney D and Ayers D (eds) Herpetology in Australia - A Diverse Discipline. Trans.Roy.Soc.NSW
1999Gehrke, P.C., Schiller, C.B. and Brown, P.Fish and river flows: lessons for the ParooA free-flowing river: the ecology of the Paroo River
2001Gehrke, P.C.The Paroo RiverRivers as Ecological Systems: The Murray-Darling Basin
1998Gehrke PC and Neira FJFamily Eleotridae. GudgeonsLarvae of Temperate Australian Fishes: laboratory guide for larval fish identification
1994Gehrke PCEffects of flooding on native fish and water quality in the Murrumbidgee RiverRoberts J and Oliver R (eds) The Murrumbidgee, Past and Present
1997Gehrke PCSpecies richness and composition of freshwater fish communities in New South Wales riversFish and Rivers in Stress: the NSW Rivers Survey
1997Gehrke PCDifferences in composition and structure of fish communities associated with flow regulation in New South Wales riversFish and Rivers in Stress: the NSW Rivers Survey
1993Fulton W, Tyler PA, Chilcott S, Knott B, Ponder W and Shiel RJFauna and flora of the lakes and tarnsSmith S J and Banks M R (eds) Tasmanian Wilderness - World Heritage Values
1997Faragher RA and Lintermans MAttachment IconAlien fish species from the New South Wales Rivers SurveyFish and Rivers in Stress: The NSW Rivers Survey
1997Driver PD, Harris JH, Norris RH and Closs GPThe role of the natural environment and human impacts in determining biomass densities of common carp in New South Wales riversFish and Rivers in Stress: The NSW Rivers Survey
2000delete meEffects of taxonomic resolution and use of subsets of the fauna on the performance of RIVPACS-type modelsAssessing the biological quality of freshwaters: RIVPACS and similar techniques
1999Davies, P.M. and Bunn, S.E.Restoring fundamental ecological processes in small, forested upland streams: The importance of riparian vegetationProceedings of the second Australian Stream Management Conference, Adelaide, February 1999
2000Davies, B.R., Snaddon, C.D., Wishart, M., Thoms, M.C. and Meador, M.A biogeographical approach to inter-basin water transfers: Implications for river conservationGlobal Perspectives on River Conservation: Science, Policy and Practice
2000Davies, B. R., Snaddon, C. D., Wishart, M., Thoms, M. C. and Meador, M.A biogeographical approach to inter-basin water transfers: Implications for river conservationGlobal Perspectives on River Conservation: Science, Policy and Practice
2000Cullen, P.Perspectives on the future of urban ecosystem education: A summary of Cary conference VIII Understanding Urban Ecosystems: A new frontier for Science and Education
1994Cullen, Peter and Lake PS Towards a national program on long-term monitoring of Australian biodiversity: Inland aquatic ecosystemsRedhead T, Mummery J and Kenchington R (eds) Options for a National Program on Long-Term Monitoring of Australian Biodiversity
1995Cullen, Peter and Lake PSWater resources and biodiversity: Past, present and future problems and solutionsBradstock RA, Auld TD, Keith DA, Kingsford RT and Lunney D (eds) Conservation biodiversity - Threats and solutions
1994Cullen, Peter Catchments: Where water quality startsSustainable Management of Australia's Inland Waters
1995Cho G, Georges A, Worboys G, Jacoby C and Stoutjeskijk RConservation management and the futureCho G, Stoutjesdijk R and Georges A (eds) Jervis Bay: A Cultural, Scientific and Educational Resource
2001Bunn, S., Abal, E., Dennison, B., and Greenfield, P.Setting the SceneHealthy Waterways- Healthy Catchments: Synthesis of Scientific Research of the SEQ Study.
2001Bunn, S., Abal, E., Dennison, B. and Greenfield, P.Making the connection between healthy waterways and healthy catchments: synthesis and recommendationsHealthy waterways-Healthy Catchments: Synthesis of Scientific Research of the SEQ Study.

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