Conference Presentations
Displaying 691 - 720 of 794 documents

YearCan be sorted ascending or descendingAuthor(s)Can be sorted ascending or descendingPresentation TitleSorted descending, can be sorted ascendingConference TitleCan be sorted ascending or descending
1994Cullen, Peter Between a rock and a hard place: Knowledge and management imperatives in managing natural resourcesSeminar to NSW Fisheries.
1998Breen PFBest practice environmental management guidelines for urban stormwater (Victoria): Wetland function and designInvited presentation to Australian Institution of Engineers, Victorian Division, Water Branch
2002Fellows, C.Benthic metabolism of turbid waterholes in a dryland river catchment, Cooper Creek, Australia
1993Lawrence AI Benefits of integrated urban stormwater planningCatchment Management & Wetland Seminar, Multi Function Polis, Adelaide.
2002Arthington, A. H., Brizga, S. O., Choy, S. C., Kennard, M. J., Mackay, S. J., Pusey, B. J. and WerrenBenchmarking, a 'top-down' methodology for assessing environmental flows in Australian watersEnvironmental flows for river system conference
1996Warfe D Beetles, bites and macrophytesAustralian Society for Limnology 35th Congress, Berri, September 30
1998Norris RBeds, Bugs and Mountains...AERG/CRCFE Seminar Series
1996Baldwin DS and Mitchell A Bacterially mediated P release from sedimentsNational Workshop on Sediment-Nutrient Interactions, Albury, April.
2002Cullen, P.Background and futures for the National Action PlanPresented at the big picture conference
1996Oliver RLBack to the future: Reconstructing the scene of the 1991 cyanobacterial bloom in the Darling RiverAustralian Society for Limnology 35th Congress, Berri, September 30
1997Copland MAvailability and sources of resourcesSeminar Water Studies Centre
1997Copland MAvailability and sources of resourcesShire of Crookwell, April 22
1997Copland MAvailability and sources of resourcesBathurst SCUM School, April 17
1997Copland MAvailability and sources of resourcesRiverina Teachers Conference, Wagga Wagga, March 12
1993Wade A and Maher WA Australian water quality guidelinesNatural Water Quality Management Strategy Forum 13/2/93, ACTEW, University of Canberra.
1997Humphries PAustralian freshwater fish: Their biology and threatsAustralian Freshwater Fishermans Assembly
1997Cullen PAustralian Experiences with Catchment ManagementWorkshop on Regional Catchment Management
1997Griggs JA, Shiel RJ and Croome RLAustralian Chydoridae: taxonomic impediments. The Other 99% - Conservation and biodiversity of invertebrates
1995Dickson JA Australia's Chydorid Cladocerans: A neglected resource? Australian Society for Limnology, 34th Congress, Jenolan Caves, NSW, September.
1995Silveira R and Harris JH At what spatial scales are the fish species communities in the NSW rivers determined? Australian Society for Limnology 34th Congress, Jenolan Caves, NSW, September 17-20.
1997Quinn GAssumptions of statistical tests: how normal is necessary?ASL 36th Congress
1994Hart BT Assessment of river health and the role of river management authoritiesAssociation of River Management Authorities Annual Conference, Traralgon, March.
1994Hart BT and Campbell IC Assessment of river 'health' in AustraliaJoint South African/Australian Workshop on River Classification and Environmental Health, Cape Town, South Africa, February.
2001Grace, M.Assessment of ecological risk associated with irrigation systems in the Goulbourn-Broken catchment ASL 40th annual congress
2002Choy, S. C., Arthington, A. H., Brizga, S. O., Marshall, C. and Long, G. C.Assessment of current environmental conditions and impacts of existing water resource development: an application of the benchmarking methodology within the Burnett Basin, Queensland, AustraliaEnvironmental flows for river systems conference
1994Hart BT Assessment and management of water quality in AustraliaWater Quality Research Interaction Australia-Indonesia, Bopal, Indonesia, June.
1997Harris JH and Silveira RAssessing the condition of rivers in New South Wales, Australia: A test of the index of biotic integrityWhat is River Health?
2002Cullen, P.Assessing technical knowledgePresented to the National Landcare Coordinators
1997Maher W, Batley G and Lawrence IAssessing sediment ecosystem health - the use of chemical measurementsWhat is River Health?
1995Lake PS Assessing ecological redundancy - A freshwater perspectiveThird International Temperate Reef Symposium, Sydney, February 4-8, 1995.

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