Conference Presentations
Displaying 781 - 794 of 794 documents

YearCan be sorted ascending or descendingAuthor(s)Sorted descending, can be sorted ascendingPresentation TitleCan be sorted ascending or descendingConference TitleCan be sorted ascending or descending
1997Balcombe S and Closs GPatch quality in giant rush bedsPoster presentation at ASL 36th Congress
1997Balcombe S and Closs GHabitat use by Carp Gudgeons (Hypseleotris spp.) in Juncus, quality v quantity: Evaluating patch qualityPoster presentation at ASL 36th Congress
1997Balcombe SGudgeons, Juncus and Chironomids: - associations in a Murray River billabong
1996Bailey P, James K, Warwick N and Radford JEffect of increasing salinity on macrophyte and invertebrate communities in wetlandsWetlands for the Future, INTECOL'S V International Wetlands Conference, Perth, September 27
1996Bailey P Effects of increasing salinity on riverine and wetland biotaCRC for Freshwater Ecology Water Seminar Series, University of Canberra, September 19.
1996Bailey PEffects of increasing salinity on riverine and wetland biotaSeminar Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre, Albury, October 31
1995Astles KL and Gehrke PC Effect of river regulation on the fish populations of the Hawkesbury-Nepean catchmentAustralian Society for Limnology 34th Congress, Jenolan Caves, NSW, September 17-20.
1996Assemi S, Newcombe G, Drikas M and Beckett RCharacterisation of humic substances separated by membrane ultrafiltration, using flow field-flow fractionationPoster presentation at 6th International Symposium on Field-Flow Fractionation, Ferrara, Italy, September
1997Assemi SSome environmental applications of field-flow fractionation
1997Assemi SSome environmental applications of field-flow fractionation
1997Assemi SHumic substances and phosphorus speciation
2002Arthington, A. H., Brizga, S. O., Choy, S. C., Kennard, M. J., Mackay, S. J., Pusey, B. J. and WerrenBenchmarking, a 'top-down' methodology for assessing environmental flows in Australian watersEnvironmental flows for river system conference
1996Allanson, M; Norris,R; and Thomas, KRegional assessment of water quality using a predictive model: South coast of New South WalesAustralian Society for Limnology 35th Congress, Berri, September 30
1995Allanson M, Norris RH and Parsons M Metal Mine Waste Pollution of the Molonglo River, NSW and the ACT: Macroinvertebrate Bioassessment; in situ trace metal accumulation and survival of Atalophlebia australis, and Oncorhyncus mykiss.Australian Society for Limnology 34th Congress, Jenolan Caves, NSW, September 17-20.

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