Conference Presentations
Displaying 451 - 480 of 794 documents

YearCan be sorted ascending or descendingAuthor(s)Can be sorted ascending or descendingPresentation TitleSorted descending, can be sorted ascendingConference TitleCan be sorted ascending or descending
1996Gehrke PImplications of fisheries management in aquatic ecosystemsSeminar NSW Fisheries Research Institute, Cronulla, September 19
1996Lawrence I Implementation: Planning and development controlsRegional Catchment Management Course, AWWA & CRC for Freshwater Ecology.
1997Breen PFImpacts of stormwater on ecosystem healthAustralian Water and Wastewater Association. Workshop on urban stormwater, March 20
1997Brooks SS and Lake PSImpacts of hydrological disturbance on stream communitiesNorth American Benthological Society 45th Annual Meeting, San Marcos, Texas, May 26-30
1997Brooks SImpacts of hydrological disturbance on stream communitiesASL 36th Congress
1994Jordan J Impact of the crayfish, Cherax destructor, on freshwater macrophytes: Laboratory and field experiments comparedEcological Society of Australia, Annual Conference, Alice Springs, September 1994.
1994Jordan J Impact of the crayfish, Cherax destructor, in billabongs: An overviewPostgraduate Workshop in Aquatic Biology, Buxton Vic. April.
1993Jordan J Impact of the crayfish Cherax destructor on freshwater macrophytesEcological Society of Australia, Canberra, September. Poster presentation.
1994Jordan J Impact of the crayfish Cherax destructor on freshwater macrophytesInternational Association of Astacology, 10th Symposium, Adelaide, April 1994. Poster presentation
1997Breen PFImpact of stormwater on ecosystem healthUrban Stormwater Management Workshop, AWWA Federal Convention, Melbourne, March
1998Rose TImpact of flow regulation on an upland gravel bed riverine environment: Implications for Snowy River health below Jindabyne DamAERG/CRCFE Seminar Series
1996Schiller CB, Brown P and Gehrke PCImpact of carp Cyprinus carpio introduction on Australian native freshwater fish speciesInternational symposium and workshop on stocking and introduction of fish in freshwater and marine ecosystems
1994Button B Image based spatial information systems for sustainable agriculture resource technology - new opportunities, best practiceResource Technology 94, Melbourne University, September.
1996Watts RJ, Kennan CP and Serafini L.G.Identifying wetlands of high conservation status in the Murray-Darling Basin using genetic data of native fishWetlands for the Future, INTECOL^S V International Wetlands Conference, Perth, September 26
1997Hart BT, Maher W and Lawrence IICM and water quality protection: A new ecosystem-based management approach2nd National Integrated Catchment Management Conference
1997Puckeridge JHydrological variability and fish ecologyASL 36th Congress
1997Brooks SS and Lake PSHydrological classification and disturbance: Effects of disturbance on the biota of rivers with contrasting flow regimesWhat is River Health?
1997Assemi SHumic substances and phosphorus speciation
1997Driver PHow the life history of carp (Cyprinus carpio) has adapted to regulated rivers: the role of naturalisation and domesticationAGM for the Society for the Study of Evolution
2000Crook, D.Home range and homing movements of Golden Perch and Carp in a lowland riverAustralian Society for Fish Biology
1997Lawrence IHitchhiker's guides to sustainable urban water managementAERG/CRCFE Seminar Series
1993Cullen, Peter High Art or Jurassic Park: Reflections on the places of the lecture in higher educationConversations between teachers seminar, University of Canberra.
1995Shirley M and Closs G Habitat use of European Perch (Perca fluviatilis) in billabong habitats of the Murray RiverAustralian Society for Limnology 34th Congress, Jenolan Caves, NSW, September 17-20.
1997Balcombe S and Closs GHabitat use by Carp Gudgeons (Hypseleotris spp.) in Juncus, quality v quantity: Evaluating patch qualityPoster presentation at ASL 36th Congress
1997Shiel RHabitat heterogeneity and microfaunal diversity in upper Murray floodplain watersASL 36th Congress
1994Downes BJ, Lake PS and Schreiber ESG Habitat complexity and species richness in an upland, stony stream: Patterns and processes at small spatial scalesNorth American Benthological Society, Orlando, Florida.
1997Balcombe SGudgeons, Juncus and Chironomids: - associations in a Murray River billabong
1999Cullen, P. W. Greed, ignorance and organisational arrangements: barriers to sustainability in the Australian landscape Soil science and sustainability conference
1998Thoms MCGeomorphology, scale and WAMPSAWWA Workshop on Water for the Environment
1997Lawrence IFuture stormwater planningSeventeenth AWWA Federal Convention Workshops

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