Conference Presentations
Displaying 661 - 690 of 794 documents

YearCan be sorted ascending or descendingAuthor(s)Sorted descending, can be sorted ascendingPresentation TitleCan be sorted ascending or descendingConference TitleCan be sorted ascending or descending
1997Cullen PMonitoring Water QualityCommunity Advisory Committee of Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council
1997Cullen PEcology and Water ManagementAddress to Water Executives Course
1997Cullen PPutting the jigsaw together - Can we integrate natural resource management in rural AustraliaRural Australia Towards 2000 Conference
1997Cullen PManaging conflicts over waterWorkshop of Inland Rivers Network
1997Cullen PFuture directions in water quality assessment.Testing the waters - Future directions of Victorian water quality monitoring workshop
1997Cullen PThe role of science and scientists in environmental conflictsFenner Conference 1997. Ethics of Research and Management Practices in World Heritage and other Environmentally Sensitive Areas: Policy and Practice
1997Cullen PSome futures for Australian ScienceFederation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies, 1997 Council Meeting
1997Cullen PSelling science to societyDistinguished Lecturer Series
1997Cullen PScience & Technology in the Environmental Management of the Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment
1997Cullen PScience and Australia's futureAddress to ACT Institute of Physics Annual Meeting
1997Cullen PThe Australian Science: Visions for integrating catchment managementSecond National Conference on Integrated Catchment Management
1998Cullen PThe CRC - origins, visions and achievementsSeminar presentation to Goulburn-Murray Water Board
1997Cullen PWater Politics and Power. Issues & Visions in Natural ResourcesRural Australia Towards 2000 Conference
1997Cullen PWater Research and the MDBAddress to Albury Rotary
1997Cullen PUrban water futures - foresighting and beyondStrategic planning meeting with Gippsland Water
1997Cullen PWater research and the brave new worldASL 36th Congress
1997Cullen PRegulation and other ways of managing water qualityWater & Wastewater Quality. Sydney, April 14-15
1997Cullen PDesigning sampling programs - Addressing the why question? Workshop on Sampling Nutrients in Aquatic Ecosystems: Collecting Valid and Representative Samples. University of Canberra, Canberra, April 21-22
2002Crossle, K., Nielson, D., Brock, M., and Harris, K.Aquatic plant emergence from wetland seed banks exposed to increasing salinity Aquatic ecosystems and organisms, 4th International poster conference
1996Croome RTertiary studies in environmental management and ecology: Ecological assessment of lakes and riversInternational Ecological Seminar, Medan, Indonesia, November 27-28
2000Crook, D.Home range and homing movements of Golden Perch and Carp in a lowland riverAustralian Society for Fish Biology
1996Copland M Education and the RiverScience and the Murray-Darling, CRC for Feshwater Ecology Seminar, Mildura, October.
1997Copland MIrrigationRutherglen Secondary College, March 13
1997Copland MAvailability and sources of resourcesSeminar Water Studies Centre
1997Copland MAdvice on Water Quality testingQueensland Geography Teachers
1997Copland MAvailability and sources of resourcesShire of Crookwell, April 22
1997Copland MAvailability and sources of resourcesBathurst SCUM School, April 17
1996Copland MEducation and the riverScience and the Murray-Darling. CRCFE Seminar, Mildura, October
1997Copland MAvailability and sources of resourcesRiverina Teachers Conference, Wagga Wagga, March 12
2001Cook, B., Choy, S. and Davie, J. Potential ecological impacts of translocating redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatusFifth international crustacean congress

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