Conference Presentations
Displaying 661 - 690 of 794 documents

YearCan be sorted ascending or descendingAuthor(s)Can be sorted ascending or descendingPresentation TitleSorted descending, can be sorted ascendingConference TitleCan be sorted ascending or descending
1998Sherman BChaffey Dam storyAERG/CRCFE Seminar Series
1994Cullen, Peter Catchments: Where water quality startsANZAAS Science Summit 1994, Geelong, September 1994.
1997Lawrence ICatchment runoff pollutant loadsLecture to University of Canberra Vegetation Wildlife Students
1996Lawrence I Catchment management strategy plansRegional Catchment Management Course, AWWA & CRC for Freshwater Ecology.
1997Lawrence ICase study: Upper Murrumbidgee river catchment management strategyAWWA-CRCFE Catchment Management Course
1997Meredith SCarp, blue-green algae and river healthPresentation to the Bird Observers Club
1997Meredith SCarp, blue-green algae and river healthPresentation to the Yelta Land Care Group
1997Ebner BCarp in the Murray-Darling BasinPresentation to Mildura Primary School students
1998Meredith SCarp in the Murray-Darling BasinPresentation to the Merbein Rotary Club
1997Driver PCarp and carp densities in Australian inland watersWater Seminar Series
1996Harris JCarp - challenges and opportunitiesScience and the Murray-Darling. CRCFE Seminar, Mildura, October
1996Harris J Carp - challenges and opportunitiesScience and the Murray-Darling, CRC for Freshwater Ecology Seminar, Mildura, October.
1997Cullen PCareer opportunities in the brave new world NTEU/FASTS workshopIn the national interest: putting the talent to work, National Press Club, March 19
2000Davies, P.M. and Bunn, S.E.Carbon metabolism in Cooper Creek, western Queensland: wet and dry comparisons39th Annual Congress of the Australian Society for Limnology
1996Harris G Building Collaboration with Systems Level ModelsCollaboration for Scientific Excellence, CRC for Freshwater Ecology.
1996Evans LJBroadscale variation in riparian vegetation along the upper Murray and Murrumbidgee riversWetlands for the Future, INTECOL^S V International Wetlands Conference, Perth, September 22-28
1996Peters GM, Barford JP, Gomes V, Reible DD and Maher WBioturbator interaction with selenium contaminated sedimentProceedings presented at the Seventh International Symposium on the Interactions between Sediments and Water, Baveno (Stresa), Italy, September 22-25
1997Khoshmanesh ABiotic and abiotic phosphorus uptake and release by sediment: sediment biomass determination by SdFFF, mid-project seminar
1997Khoshmanesh ABiotic and abiotic phosphorus uptake and release by sediment: evidence of direct release from sediment bacteria
1996Matveev V and Matveeva L Biomanipulation: Fact or Fiction? Department of Natural Resources, Brisbane, April.
1995Muschal M and Bales M Biomanipulation - The study of a potential management technique for the reduction of phytoplanktonAustralian Society for Limnology 34th Congress, Jenolan Caves, NSW, September 17-20.
1996Bevitt RBiological monitoring of the upper Murrumbidgee River Catchment: Reference site selection and the precision of a subsamplerWater Seminar Series, University of Canberra, Canberra, July 11
1993Reynoldson TB, Day KE and Norris RH Biological guidelines for freshwater sediment bases on Benthic Assessment of Sediment the BEAST: Using a multivariate approach for predicting biological stateConference on the Use of Biota to Assess Water Quality, University of Canberra, October.
1994Shiel RJ, Green JD and Duggan I Biogeography of Southern Australia-New Zealand rotifers: Sweepstakes dispersal or Gondwanan connection? VII International Rotifer Symposium, Mikolajki, Poland, 6-11 June.
2001Watts, K. E. N., Hart, B. T. and Grace, M. R.Biogeochemistry of a sand slug streamProceedings of the Third Australian Stream Management Conference
2002Watts, K. E. N.Biogeochemical interactions within the hyporheic zone of a degraded rural stream9th International Symposium on the Interactions Between Sediments and Water
1998Mullen CBiofilm production in River Murray weir pools and the effects of fluctuating water levelsDepartment of Environmental Management and Ecology Seminar Series
1997King HBioaccumulation of manganese in yabbies: is it microbially mediated?Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Riverina Branch Meeting
1997Hillman TBillabong/River interactionsPresentation to undergraduate students
1994Hillman TJ Billabong ecology - current researchMurray Darling Basin Commission Riverine Environment Standing Committee, Albury, September.

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