Conference Presentations
Displaying 661 - 690 of 794 documents

YearSorted descending, can be sorted ascendingAuthor(s)Can be sorted ascending or descendingPresentation TitleCan be sorted ascending or descendingConference TitleCan be sorted ascending or descending
1995Walsh CJ The shrimp, Paratya australiensis in rivers and estuaries: reproductive variation and trade-offsAustralian Society for Limnology, 34th Annual Congress, Jenolan Caves, NSW.
1995Warfe D Space and selectivity: Beetle herbivory in billabongsEcological Society of Australia Open Forum and Symposium Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, p 91.
1995White GA and Mallen-Cooper M Passage of native fish in an experimental denil fishway on the Murray RiverAustralian Society for Limnology 34th Congress, Jenolan Caves, NSW, September 17-20.
1995Whittington J and Oliver R Evaluation of the Pulse Amplitude Modulated (PAM) Fluorometer for estimating phytoplankton photosynthesisAustralian Society for Limnology 34th Congress, Jenolan Caves, NSW, September 17-20.
1994Baverstock P, Johnson A, Georges A and Donnellan S Evolutionary divergence in the 12S ribosomal RNA gene in four gondwanic groups - A test of the molecular clock hypothesisSecond World Congress for Herpetology, Adelaide, January.
1994Beckett R Applications of FFF in aquatic chemistry and microbial ecology Seminar presentation, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA, May.
1994Beckett R Environmental colloid and surface chemistry using FFFSeminar presentation, Department of Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, May.
1994Beckett R Environmental applications of FFF, Workshop, Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GMBH GKSS, Hamburg, Germany, June.
1994Beckett R Principles of FFF, Workshop, Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GMBH GKSS, Hamburg, Germany, June.
1994Beckett R Environmental application of FFFWorkshop, Chemistry Department, University of Geneva, Switzerland, July, 1994.
1994Beckett R Principles of FFFWorkshop, Chemistry Department, University of Geneva, Switzerland, July, 1994.
1994Beckett R The influence of humic substances on the surface properties of aquatic colloidsInternational Humic Substances Society Conference on Organic Matter in Soils, Sediments and Waters. Adelaide, SA, December 1994.
1994Beckett R Environmental investigations using FFFSeminar presentation, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy, July, 1994.
1994Boon PI Environmental microbiologySummer School in Freshwater Microbiota held at La Trobe University - Albury-Wodonga, 17-21 January.
1994Boon PI Methane cycling in freshwater wetlandsPaper presented at Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Society for Microbiology ¨Multicultural Microbiology~, Melbourne, September 25-30, 1994.
1994Brain CK, Shiel RJ and Fourie I Rotifers of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, South AfricaVII International Rotifer Symposium, Mikolajki, Poland, 6-11 June.
1994Breen PF Issues and directions for R&D in urban streamsUWRAA, National River Health Program, Workshop on Urban Water Quality Monitoring, Brisbane 27 May.
1994Breen PF The influence of hydrology on water treatment mechanisms in wetlandsNSW Department of Water Resources, Workshop on the Practical Aspects of Constructed Wetlands, Shortland Wetland Centre, 2-3 June.
1994Brooks S Are floods disturbances to bugs or merely ripples in an agitated existence? Postgraduate Workshop in Aquatic Biology, Buxton Vic, April.
1994Brooks S Raging torrents of destruction, or just raging torrents? Ecological Society of Australia, Annual Conference, Alice Springs September 1994.
1994Brown P Flood induced recruitment of golden perch larvae and the effects of a copepod parasiteAustralian Society for Limnology 33rd Annual Congress, Rottnest Island, January.
1994Button B Image based spatial information systems for sustainable agriculture resource technology - new opportunities, best practiceResource Technology 94, Melbourne University, September.
1994Cullen PAlgal management in the Murray Darling BasinInternational Workshop on Restoration of Eutrophic Systems
1994Cullen PA bottom-up approach to integrating land and water managementStockholm Water Symposium
1994Cullen, Peter Managing nutrient exports from agricultural landsInternational Workshop on Restoration of Eutrophic Systems, University of Uppsala, Lake Erken laboratory, August 1994.
1994Cullen, Peter Ecological imperatives for institutional reform of river managementInland Rivers: Regulatory Strategies for Ecologically Sustainable Management, University of Sydney, November 1994.
1994Cullen, Peter Catchments: Where water quality startsANZAAS Science Summit 1994, Geelong, September 1994.
1994Cullen, Peter Organisational turbulence in the water industryMinisterial Water Forum, Sydney, September 1994.
1994Cullen, Peter Environment - Making sustainability workKeynote address, 1994 National General Assembly of Local Government, Canberra, November, 1994.
1994Cullen, Peter The rationale for environmental flowsRiver Basin Management Society, 1994 Autumn Conference, Albury

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