Extension Publications
Displaying 1 - 30 of 72 documents

YearCan be sorted ascending or descendingAuthor(s)Can be sorted ascending or descendingTitleSorted descending, can be sorted ascending
1996Copland MYou learn best by being there: Importance of field trips and exchanges, National Association of Agricultural Educators, Dookie, Vic.
1995Cullen PWhat is Science? Address to the National Science Summer School, Canberra, January 27.
1996Murray-Darling Basin Commision and the Board of Studies NSWWaterlines: Exploring the Barmah-Millewa forest in the Murray-Darling Basin. CD-ROM Produced by Board of Studies NSW and the MDBC
1993Cullen PWWater quality planning. ANUTECH course on environmental management for professional staff from Phillipines, August.
1993Cullen PWWater quality in crisis. Presentation to Hori-zons in Science, Univ.Tech. Sydney, August.
1994Raisin GW and Mitchell DSWater quality and quantity issues in rural catchments. Dealing with Wet Pastures - Agronomic, Environmental and Economic Issues. A Field Booklet. Rutherglen Research Institute, Kiewa Valley, July 27.
1995Hart BWater quality a priority for Indonesia. Business Victoria, Monash University, March.
1995Hillman TWater Allocation for the Environment. Murray-Darling Association's 51st National Conference and General Meeting, The Murray-Darling Basin: A Matter of Balance.
1994Button BValue added remote sensing for agriculture. Mildura and district educational council (MADEK)
1995Raisin GW and Mitchell DSThe use of wetlands to manage non point source pollution in rural catchments.. Field Day Booklet, Intensive High Rainfall Pasture Management, Rutherglen Research Institute, Rutherglen.
1997Watson GThe use of research data in environmental management - a problem with communication? Freshwater Biological Association Newsletter No. 4 (UK)
1995Breen PFThe use of constructed wetlands for urban runoff control. Presentation to a joint meeting of the Regional EPA, Traralgon and the Traralgon Regional Council.
1997Griggs JThe taxonomy, biogeography and ecology of Australian Chydoridae. The Freshwater Biological Association Newsletter No. 3 (UK)
1996Raisin GWThe impacts on water quality by constructed farm wetlands. Bowna Arm Land Care Group, March 27.
2002Cullen, Peter The High Road or the Low Road: Choosing a Future for the Murray-Darling Basin. After Dinner Address to Corowa Centenary Celebration, 11th April
1998Markwort K, Norris R, Humphries P and Schiller CThe Heart of the River, Charles Sturt Univeristy, 20 minutes.
1993Cullen PWThe CRC for Freshwater Ecology. AWWA, Canberra Branch, March.
1995Raisin GWThe control of diffuse pollution from rural land. Address to the Grasslands Society of Australia, Field trip after Annual Congress, June 29.
1993Cullen PWSustainable use of water resources. Sydney Water Panel of the Institution of Engineers, June.
1999Hillman T and Whittington JSustainable Rivers: The Cap and Environmental Flows. CRC for Freshwater Ecology
1995Cullen P and Blackmore DSustainability of the Murray-Darling Basin: If the salt doesn^t get you, the blue-green algae will. Federal Parliamentary Library Service^s Vital Issues Seminar, November 22.
1998Watson GOSomething fishy about environmental flows. Currently being incorporated into 16 amateur fishing club newsletters
2003Jones, G.Attachment IconScience Behind Environmental Flows in the River Murray System
1996McKelvie IDSampling and analysis of phosphorus in natural waters: Why, how, when and where? Techniques in water quality analysis. CRCCH, April 3, p14.
1996Baldwin DSSalinity in Australian Rivers, Australasian Science, Vol.15
1998Shiel RJRotifer News; a newsletter for rotiferologists throughout the world, 2 issue/year.
1994Frankenbury JRiverwise. Works to control stream bank erosion using the common reed, Phragmites australis. Pamphlet for distribution by NSW Department of Water Resources extension services.
1998Watson GORivers need water too! Contribution to Goulburn-Murray Water's internal newsletter
1996Humphries PRiver regulation and the ecology of native fish. Fisher T (ed) Fish out of water, special supplement to Habitat magazine
2004Lake, P. S.Attachment IconRestoring our Rivers: the Need for Environmental Flows. A talk given as part of the public lecture "Environmental water allocations: a paradigm shift in Australian river management?" on 27th May 2004 at the University of Canberra

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