Journal article (refereed)
Displaying 421 - 450 of 489 documents

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2001White, S.D. and Ganf, G.G.Aquatic BotanyThe influence of convective flow and sediment type on root morphology in Typha domingensis
2002Foster, J.M. and Thoms, M.C.Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.The influence of large-scale geomorphology on floodplain sedimentation processes
1999Brookes JD, Ganf GG, Green D and Whittington JJournal of Plankton ResearchThe influence of light and nutrients on buoyancy, filament aggregation on flotation of Anabaena circinalis
2001Duggan, I.C., Green, J.D., Thompson, K. and Shiel, R.J.Freshwater BiologyThe influence of macrophytes on the spatial distribution of littoral rotifers
1995Marchant R, Barmuta L and Chessman BAustralian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research The influence of sample quantification and taxonomic resolution on the ordination of macroinvertebrate communities from running waters in Victoria, Australia
2002Nielsen, D.L., Hillman, T.J., Smith, F.J. and Sheil, R.J.River Research and ApplicationThe influence of seasonality and duration of flooding on zooplankton in experimental billabongs
2001Crook, D.A., Robertson, A.I., King, A.J. and Humphries, P.OecologiaThe influence of spatial scale and habitat arrangement on diel patterns of habitat use by two lowland river fishes
2000Theischinger, G. and Hawking, J.H.Linzer biol. Beitr.The larva of Eusynthemis ursula Theischinger (Odonata: Synthemistidae)
1998Williams WD, De Deckker P and Shiel RJHydrobiologiaThe limnology of Lake Torrens, and episodic salt lake of central Australia, with particular reference to unique events in 1989.
1997Shalders, R.D., McKelvie, I.D. and Hart, B.TThe measurement of bioavailable phosphorus in natural waters
1997Laybourn-Parry J, James MR, McKnight DM, Priscu J, Spaulding SA and Shiel RJPolar Biology The microbial plankton of Lake Fryxell, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica during the summers of 1992 and 1994
1995Norris RH and Norris KR Australian Journal of Ecology The need for biological assessment of water quality: Australian perspective
1995Norris, R. H., and Norris, K.R.Australian Journal of EcologyThe need for biological assessment of water quality: Australian perspective
1999Villizzi, L. and Walker, K.F.Environmental Biology of FishesThe onset of the juvenile period in carp, Cyprinus carpio: a literature survey
1997Breen PFWater Science and Technology 35 (5): 167-174The performance of vertical flow experimental wetlands under a range of operational formats and environmental conditions
1996Baldwin DSHydrobiolgia The phosphorus composition of a diverse series of Australian sediments
2000Newall, P. and Wells, F.Journal of the North American Benthological SocietyThe potential for delineating indicator-defined regions for streams in Victoria, Australia
1996Grayson RB, Finlayson BL, Gippel CH and Hart BTJournal Environmental Management The potential of field turbidity measurements for the computation of total phosphorus and suspended solids loads
1998Seddon JM, Baverstock PR and Georges AJournal of Molecular Evolution The rate of mitochondrial 12SrRNA gene evolution is similar in freshwater turtles and marsupials
1997Reynoldson, T.B., Norris, R.H., Resh, V.H., Day, K.E. and Rosenberg, D.MThe reference condition: a comparison of mulitmetric and multivariate approaches to assess water-quality impairment using benthic macroinvertebrates
1997Reynoldson TB, Norris RH, Resh VH, Day KE and Rosenberg DMJournal of the North American Benthological SocietyThe reference condition: A comparison of multimetric and multivariate approaches to assess water-quality impairment using benthic macroinvertebrates
1994Reed JL, Campbell IC and Bailey PCE Freshwater Biology The relationship between invertebrate assemblages and available food at forest and pasture sites in three southeastern Australian streams
1998Lawler, S. H. and K. A. CrandallProceedings of the Royal Linnean Society NSWThe relationship of the Australian freshwater crayfish genera Euastacus and Astacopsis
2001Barmuta, L.A., McKenny, C.E.A. and Swain, R.Freshwater BiologyThe response of a lotic mayfly Nousia sp. ( Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) to moving water and light of different wavelengths
2001Morris, K., Ganf, G.G.Aquatic BotanyThe response of an emergent sedge Bolboschoenus medianus to salinity and nutrients
2001Morris,K and Ganf, G.G.Aquatic BotanyThe response of an emergent sedge Bolboschoenus medianus to salinity and nutrients
2000Quinn, G.P., Hillman, T.J., and Cook, R.Regulated Rivers Res. MgmtThe response of macroinvertebrates to inundation in floodplain wetlands: a possible effect of river regulation?
1994Gehrke PC and Harris JHAustralian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research The role of fish in cyanobacterial blooms in Australia
1996Raisin GW International Revue der gesameten Hydrobiologie The role of small wetlands in catchment management: Their effect on diffuse agricultural pollutants
1996Raisin GWInternationale Revue der gesamten HydrobiologieThe role of small wetlands in catchment management: their effect on diffuse agricultural pollutants

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