Journal article (refereed)
Displaying 331 - 360 of 489 documents

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1996Graham T and Georges AHerpetological Review Struts for collapsible funnel traps
1997Grace MR, Hislop TM, Hart BT and Beckett RColloids and Surfaces Effect of saline groundwater on the aggregation and settling of suspended particles in a turbid Australian river
1997Goessler W, Maher W, Irgolic KJ, Kuehnelt D, Shclagenhaufen C and Kaise TFresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry 359Arsenic compounds in a marine food chain
1995Gill HS and Humphries PRecords of the Western Australian Museum An experimental evaluation of habitat choice in three species of goby
1999Gibbons MJ et alSouth Africa Journal ScienceThe taxonomic richness of South Africa's marine fauna: a crisis at hand
1998Georges, A., Birrell, J., Saint, K.M., McCord, W. and Donellan, S.C.Biological J. of the Linnean SocietyA phylogeny for side-necked turtles (Chelonia: Pleurodira) based on mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequence variation.
1993Georges A and Rose MChelonian Conservation and Biology Conservation biology of the Pig-Nosed Turtle Carettochelys Insculpta
1998Georges A and McInnes SJournal of HerpetologyTemperature fails to influence hatchling sex in another genus and species of chelid turtles, Elusor macrurus
1996Georges A and Adams MZoological Journal of the Linnean Society Electrophoretic delineation of species boundaries within the short-necked freshwater turtles of Australia (Testudines: Chelidae)
2000Gehrke, P.C. and Harris, J.H.Marine and Freshwater ResearchLarge-scale patterns in species richness and composition of temperate riverine fish communities, South-Eastern Australia.
1993Gehrke PC, Revell MB and Philbey AWJournal of Fish BiologyEffects of river red gum, Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., litter on golden perch, Macquaria ambigua (Richardson)
1995Gehrke PC, Brown P, Schiller C, Moffatt D and Bruce ARegulated Rivers: Research & Management River regulation and fish communities in the Murray-Darling river system, Australia
1994Gehrke PC and Harris JHAustralian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research The role of fish in cyanobacterial blooms in Australia
1996Gehrke PC and Govoni JJMarine Freshwater ResourcesILFC Symposium. Contrasting larval biology and trophic ecology: Introduction; Trophic interactions between zooplankton and larval fish communities in marine, estuarine and freshwater ecosytems
1996Gehrke PC and Govoni JJAustralian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research ILFC Symposium. Contrasting larval biology and trophic ecology: Introduction; Trophic interactions between zooplankton and larval fish communities in marine, estuarine and freshwater ecosystems.
1994Gehrke PCJournal of Fish Biology Influence of light intensity and wavelenth on phototactic behaviour of larval silver perch Bidyanus bidyanus (Mitchell) and golden perch Macquaria ambigua (Richardston), and the effectiveness of light traps
1999Gehrke G, Astles KL and Harris JHRegualted Rivers: Research and ManagementWithin-catchment effects of flow alteration on fish assemblages in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River system, Australia
1998Gawne G, Wang Y, Hoagland KD and Gretz MRBiofoulingRole of bacteria and bacterial exopolymer in the attachment of achnanathes longpipes (bacillariophyceae)
1996Gawne B and Lake PSHydrobiologia The effects of disturbance on a herbivore-epilithon interaction in an upland stream
1995Gawne B and Lake PSFreshwater Biology Effects of microspatial complexity on a herbivore-epilithon interaction in an Australian upland stream
1995Gawne B Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater ResearchEffects of feeding by Agapetus (Trichoptera) on the density of epilithon in an Australian upland stream.
1998Frey DGHydrobiologiaExpanded description of Leberis aenigmatosa Smirnov (Anomopoda: Chydoridae): a furthur indication of the biological isolation between western and eastern Australia
1993Freeman PR, Hart BT and McKelvie IDAnal.Chim.Acta.Dual flow-injection analysis system for determining bromide and reactive phosphorus in natural waters
2002Foster, J.M. and Thoms, M.C.Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.The influence of large-scale geomorphology on floodplain sedimentation processes
2000Finlay, KJ.Australian Journal of EntomologyAttachment IconDescription and distribution of a new species of Nousia Navás (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) from south-eastern Australia
2000Finaly, K.J.Australian Journal of EntomologyDescription and distribution of a new species of Nousia navas (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) from south-eastern Australia
1994Faragher RA and Harris JH Australian Zoologist The historical and current status of fresh-water fish in New South Wales
2001Ewel, K. C., Cressa, C., Kneib, R.T., Lake, P. S., Levin, L. A., Palmer, M. A., Snelgrove, P. and Wall, D. H.EcosystemsManaging critical transition zones
1997Evans, L.J. and Norris, R.HPrediction of benthic macroinvertebrate composition using microhabitat characteristics derived from stereo photgraphy
1997Evans, L. and Norris, RPrediction of benthic macroinvertebrate composition using microhabitat characteristics derived from stereo photography

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