Journal article (refereed)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 489 documents

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2000Brown,G., Norris, R., Maher, W. and Thomas, K.Use of electricity to inhibit macroinvertebrate grazing of epilithon in experimental treatments in flowing waters
1997Davis, J. and McGuire, M.Monitoring wetland health: are national river health program protocols applicable? (Progress report)
1997Evans, L. and Norris, RPrediction of benthic macroinvertebrate composition using microhabitat characteristics derived from stereo photography
1997Evans, L.J. and Norris, R.HPrediction of benthic macroinvertebrate composition using microhabitat characteristics derived from stereo photgraphy
1997Hart, B.T., Maher, B and Lawrence, INew generation water quality guidelines for ecosystem protection: nutrients and nuisance aquatic plant growth (Invited presentation: coastal nutrients - research aiding nutrient management in coastal rivers and estuaries, AWWA, Sydney Water and NSW EPA, Sydney 30-31 October, 1997)
1995Norris, R.H.Biological monitoring: the dilemma of data analysis
2002Sims, N.C. and Thoms, M.C.What happens when floodplains wet themselves: vegetation response to inundation on the lower Balonne floodplain.
1995Reynoldson, T.B., Bailey, R.C., Day, K.E. and Norris, R.H.Biological guidelines fpr freshwater sediment based on BEnthic Assessment of SedimenT (the BEAST) using a multivariate approach for predicting biological state
1997Reynoldson, T.B., Norris, R.H., Resh, V.H., Day, K.E. and Rosenberg, D.MThe reference condition: a comparison of mulitmetric and multivariate approaches to assess water-quality impairment using benthic macroinvertebrates
1997Shalders, R.D., McKelvie, I.D. and Hart, B.TThe measurement of bioavailable phosphorus in natural waters
2002Thoms, M.C. and Parsons, M.Eco-geomorphology: An interdisciplinary approach to river science
2003Wishart, M. J. and Hughes, J. M.Genetic population structure of the net-winged midge, Elporia barnardi (Diptera: Blephariceridae) in streams of the south-western Cape, South Africa: implications for dispersal
1996Georges A and Adams MZoological Journal of the Linnean Society Electrophoretic delineation of species boundaries within the short-necked freshwater turtles of Australia (Testudines: Chelidae)
1995Lambert D and Maher W Wat. Res.An evaluation of the efficiency of the alkaline persulphate digestion method for the determination of total phosphorus in turbid waters
1998Lawrence IWater, March/AprilCreating sustainable urban water resources
2002Choy, S.C., Thomson, C.B. and Marshall, J.C.Water Science and Technology (UK)Ecological condition of central Australian arid-zone rivers
1998Maszenan AM, Seviour RJ, Patel BKC, Rees GN and McDougall BWater Science and Technology 37The hunt for the G-bacteria in activated sludge biomass
1997Breen PFWater Science and Technology 35 (5): 167-174The performance of vertical flow experimental wetlands under a range of operational formats and environmental conditions
1995Breen PF and Chick AJ Water Science and Technology Rootzone dynamics in constructed wetlands receiving wastewater: A comparison of vertical and horizontal flow systems
1994Breen PF, Mag V and Seymour BSWater Science and Technology The combination of a flood retarding basin and a wetland to manage the impact of urban runoff
1995Chick AJ and Mitchell DSWater Science and Technology A pilot study of vertical flow wetlands at Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia
1995Raisin GW and Mitchell DS Water Science and Technology The use of wetlands for the control of non-point source pollution
1995Mitchell DS, Chick AJ and Raisin GWWater Science and TechnologyThe use of wetlands for water pollution control in Australia: An ecological perspective
1998Baldwin DS, Ford P and Nielsen DLWater Research 32Resolution of the spatial variability in sediment composition within and between water-storage reservoirs using non-parametric statistical techniques
1996Baldwin DS, Beattie JK and Jones DRWater Research Hydrolysis of an organic phosphorus compound by iron-oxide impregnated filter papers
1996Benson RL, Truong YB, McKelvie ID and Hart BTWater Research Monitoring of dissolved reactive phosphorus in wastewaters by flow injection analysis. Part 1. Method development and validation
1998Baldwin DSWater ResearchReactive Organic Phosphorus revisited
1998Jolley D, Maher W and Cullen PWater ResearchRapid method for separating and quantifying Orthophosphate and Polyphosphates: Application to sewage samples
unknownPinder, A.M., Halse, S.A., Shiel, R.J., Cale, D.J. and McRae, J.M.Verh. Int. Verein. Limnol. Halophilic invertebrates of saline wetlands in the wheatbelt of south-western Australia
1997Nakano S-i, Nakanishi M, Kumagai M, Sekino T, Okubo K, Yokoyama K, Tsuda R, Kawabata K, Takahashi M and Oliver RLVerh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 26:558-561Does advection influence plankton life in Lake Biwa?

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