Journal article (refereed)
Displaying 241 - 270 of 489 documents

YearCan be sorted ascending or descendingAuthor(s)Can be sorted ascending or descendingJournalSorted ascending, can be sorted descendingArticle TitleCan be sorted ascending or descending
1998Humphries P, Growns JE, Seranfini LG, Hawking JH and Lake PSHydrobiologiaMacroinvertebrate sampling methods for lowland Australian rivers
1999Janssen, M.A. and Walker, K.F.HydrobiologiaProcessing of riparian and wetland plant litter in the Ruver Murray, South Australia
2002King, A.J. and Crook, A.A.HydrobiologiaEvaluation of a sweep net electrofishing method for the collection of small fish and shrimp in lotic freshwater environments
1998Kobayashi T, Shiel RJ, Gibbs P and Dixon PIHydrobiologiaFreshwater zooplankton in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River: comparison of community structure with other rivers
2001Langley, J.M., Shiel, R.J., Bielsen, D.L. and Green, J.D.HydrobiologiaHatching from the sediment egg-bank, or aerially-dispersed? - the use of mesocoms in assessing rotifer biodiversity
1993Shiel RJ and Sanoamuang LHydrobiologiaTrans-Tasman variation in Australasian Filinia populations
2001Metzling, L. and Miller, J.HydrobiologiaEvaluation of the sample size used for the rapid bioassessment of rivers using macroinvertebrates
1998Shiel RJ, Green Jd and Neilsen DLHydrobiologiaFloodplain biodiveristy: why are there so many species?
1999Mitchell, A. and Baldwin, D.S.HydrobiologiaThe effect of sediment desiccation on the potential for nitrification, denitrification, DNRA and methanogenesis in an Australian reservior
1998Nielsen DL, Shiel RL and Smith FJHydrobiologiaEcology versus taxonomy: is there a middle ground?
2000Norris, R.H. and Hawkins, C.P.HydrobiologiaMonitoring River Health
2002Ogden, R. W., Thoms, M. C. and Levings, P. L.HydrobiologiaNutrient limitation of plant growth on the floodplain of the Narran River, Australia: growth experiments and a pilot soil survey
2000Walsh, C.J.HydrobiologiaUrban impacts on the ecology of receiving waters: a framework for assessment. conservation and restoration
1998Williams WD, De Deckker P and Shiel RJHydrobiologiaThe limnology of Lake Torrens, and episodic salt lake of central Australia, with particular reference to unique events in 1989.
1995Brain CK, Fourie I and Shiel RJHydrobiologia Rotifers of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, South Africa
1994Brooks S Hydrobiologia An efficient and quantitative aquatic benthos sampler for use in diverse habitats with variable flow regimes
1996Gawne B and Lake PSHydrobiologia The effects of disturbance on a herbivore-epilithon interaction in an upland stream
1996Hawking JH and New TR Hydrobiologia The development of Dragonfly: Larvae (Odonata; Anisoptera) from two streams in north-eastern Victoria, Australia
1996Humphries PHydrobiologia Aquatic macrophytes, macroinvertebrate associations and water level in a lowland Tasmanian river
1994Smith JJ and Lake PSHydrobiologia The breakdown of buried and surface-placed leaf litter in an upland stream
1993Scholz O and Boon PI Hydrobiologia Biofilms on submerged River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh) Myrtaceale wood in billabongs: An analysis of bacterial assemblages using phospholipid profiles
1993Tan LW and Shiel RJ Hydrobiologia Responses of billabong rotifer communities to inundation
1995Pontin RM and Shiel RJ Hydrobiologia Periphytic rotifer communities of an Australian seasonal pool
1993Hart BT, Douglas GB, Beckett R, Van Put A and Van Grieken REHydrological ProcessesCharacterization of colloidal and particulate matter transported by the Magela Creek System, northern Australia
1993Douglas G, Beckett R and Hart BTHydrological Processes Fractionation and concentration of suspended particulate matter in natural waters
1998Matveev V and Matveeva LInternation Review HydrobiologyTrophic level interactions in Australian Reservoirs: Evidence from plankton and fisheries acoustics
1997Mak A and Georges AInternational Journal of Science EducationBenefits of self-paced learning modules for teaching quantitative methods in environmental science
2001Rees, G.N. and Patel, B.K.C.International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary MicrobiologyDesulforegula conservatrix gen. nov., sp. nov., a long-chain fatty acid-oxidizing, sulfate reducing bacterium isolated from sediments of a freshwater lake
2002Rees, G.N., Harfoot, C.G., Janssen, J.H., Schoenborn, L., Kuever, J. and Lunsdorf, H.International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary MicrobiologyCharacterisation of Thiobaca trueperi gen. nov., sp. nov., a phototrophic purple sulfur bacterium isolated from freshwater lake sediment
1999Maszenan AM, Seviour RJ, Patel BKC, Schumann P and Rees GNInternational Journal of Systematic BacteriologyTessaracoccus bendigoensis gen.nov.sp.nov., a Gram positive coccus occurring in regular packages or tetrads, isolated from activated sludge biomass

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