Journal article (refereed)
Displaying 151 - 180 of 489 documents

YearSorted ascending, can be sorted descendingAuthor(s)Can be sorted ascending or descendingJournalCan be sorted ascending or descendingArticle TitleCan be sorted ascending or descending
1996Osborne WS and McElhinney NAAustralian ZoologistStatus, habitat and preliminary observations of calling of the green and golden bell frog Litoria aurea on Bowen Island, Jervis Bay National Park
1996Osborne WS, Littlejohn MJ and Thomson SAAustralian Zoologist Former distribution and apparent disappearance of the Litoria aurea complex from the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory
1996Osborne WS, Zentelis RA and Lau MAustralian Journal of ZoologyGeographical variation in corroboree frogs, Pseudophryne corroboree Moore (Anura: Myobatrachidae): A reappraisal supports recognition of P. pengilleyi Wells and Wellington
1996Parsons, M and Norris, R.HFreshwater biologyThe effect of habitat-specific smapling on biological assessment of water quality using a predictive model
1996Quinn GP, Lake PS and Schreiber ESGAust J Ecol Littoral benthos of a Victorian lake and its outlet stream: Spatial and temporal variation
1996Raisin GWInternationale Revue der gesamten HydrobiologieThe role of small wetlands in catchment management: their effect on diffuse agricultural pollutants
1996Raisin GW International Revue der gesameten Hydrobiologie The role of small wetlands in catchment management: Their effect on diffuse agricultural pollutants
1996Ross J, Boon PI and Beckett R Letters in Applied Microbiology Variations in the fluorescence intensity of intact DAPI-stained bacteria and their implications for rapid bacterial quantification
1996Ross J, Boon PI, Sharma R and Beckett RLetters in Applied Microbiology Variations in the fluorescence intensity of intact DAPI-stained bacteria and their implications for rapid bacterial quantification
1996Shiel RJGeoJournal Human population growth and over-utilisation of the biotic resources of the Murray-Darling River system, Australia
1996Shiel RJ and Green JDNew Zealand Journal of Zoology Rotifera recorded from New Zealand, 1859-1995, with comments on zoogeography
1996Thomson S and Georges AChelonian Conservation and Biology Neural bones in Australian chelid turtles
1996Thomson SA, Littlejohn MJ, Robinson WA and Osborne WSAustralian Zoologist Taxonomy of the Litoria aurea complex: a re-evaluation of the Southern Tableland populations of the ACT and NSW
1996Thomson S, Irwin S and Irwin TReptilia Harriet: La tortuga de Galapagos
1996Van Berkel J and Beckett RJournal of ChromatographyAdsorption characteristics of the nutrient orthophosphate to natural colloids using sedimentation filed-flow fractionation
1996Van Dok W and Hart BT J.Phycol.Akinete differentiation in Anabaena circinalis (Cyanophyta)
1997Baldwin S and Maher WAMarine Environmental Research 44 (3)Spatial and temporal variation of selenium concentration in five species of intertidal molluscs from Jervis Bay, Australia
1997Beckett R and Hart BTSpecial issue, Aquatic Colloid and Surface ChemistryColloids and surfaces A: Physicochemical and engineering aspects
1997Beckett R, Murphy D, Takjiki S and Giddings JCColloids and Surfaces ADetermination of thickness, aspect ration and size distributions for platey particles using sedimentation field-flow fractionation and electron microscopy
1997Bellgrove A, Clayton MN and Quinn GPMarine and Freshwater Research 48Effects of secondarily treated sewage effluent on intertidal macroalgal recruitment processes
1997Breen PFWater Science and Technology 35 (5): 167-174The performance of vertical flow experimental wetlands under a range of operational formats and environmental conditions
1997Burgess GK and Thoms MCAustralian New Zealand Hydrology & Water Resources Symposium, 24Environmental flow management in Queensland river systems
1997Chessman BC, Growns JE and Kotlash ARMarine and Freshwater Research 48Objective derivation of macroinvertebrate family sensitivity grade numbers for the SIGNAL biotic index: application to the Hunter River system, New South Wales
1997Chessman BC, Growns JE and Kotlash ARMarine and Freshwater Research Objective derivation of macroinvertebrate family sensitivity grade numbers for the SIGNAL biotic index: Application to the Hunter River system, New South Wales
1997Contado C, Blo G, Fagioli F, Dondi F and Beckett RCollids and Surfaces ACharacterisation of River Po particles by sedimentation field-flow fractionation couples to GFAAS and ICP-MS
1997Davis, J. and McGuire, M.Monitoring wetland health: are national river health program protocols applicable? (Progress report)
1997Donnelly TH, Grace MR and Hart BTJ. Water, Air and Soil PollutionAlgal blooms in the Darling-Barown River, Australia
1997Dove ADM, Cribb TH, Mockler SP and Lintermans MMarine and Freshwater Research The Asian fish tapeworm, Bothriocephalus acheilognathi in Australian freshwater fishes
1997Downes BJ, Glaister A and Lake PSJournal North American Benthological Society Spatial variation in the force required to initiate rock movement in 4 upland streams: Implications for estimating disturbance frequencies
1997Downes, B.J., Glaister, A. and Lake, P.S.Journal of the North American Benthological SocietySpatial variation in the force required to initiate rock movement in 4 upland streams: implications for estimating disturbance frequencies

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