Journal article (refereed)
Displaying 481 - 489 of 489 documents

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2002Stewardson, M. J. and Cottingham, P. Australian Journal of Water ResourcesA demonstration of flow events methods: environmental flow requirements of the Broken River
2002White, S. D. and Ganf, G. G. Aquatic BotanyA comparison of the morphology, gas space anatomy and potential for internal aeration in Phragmites australis under variable and static water regimes
2001Cenzato, D. and Ganf, G.Aquatic BotanyA comparison of growth responses between two species of Potamogeton with contrasting canopy architecture
1996Growns IO, Pollard DA and Harris JH Fisheries Management and EcologyA comparison of electrofishing and gillnetting to examine the effects of anthropogenic disturbance on riverine fish communities
2001Cenzato, D. and Ganf, G.G.Aquatic BotanyA comparision of the growth response between two species of Potamogeton with contrasting canopy architecture
2001Esslemont, G., Maher, W. and Ford, P.Environmental TechnologyA comparision of manometric and membrane-electrode procedures for measuring rates of leaf decay
1998Quinn GP, Lake PS and Schreiber ESGFreshwater BiologyA comparative study of colonisation by benthois in a lake and its outflowing stream
2001Walsh, C.J. and Breen, P.F.Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.A biological approach to assessing the potential success of habitat restoration in urban streams.
1999Winning, M.A., Connolly, R.C., Longaran, N.R. and Bunn, S.E.Marine Ecology Progress Series15N enrchichment as a method of seperating the isotopic signatures of seagrass and its epiphytes for food web analysis

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