Journal article (refereed)
Displaying 151 - 180 of 489 documents

YearCan be sorted ascending or descendingAuthor(s)Can be sorted ascending or descendingJournalCan be sorted ascending or descendingArticle TitleSorted descending, can be sorted ascending
1996Maher WATrends in Analytical Chemistry REVIEW: Environmental sampling for trace analysis
2002Lake, P. S., Downes, B. J. and Glaister, A. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. Restoration ecology in flowing waters-problems and prospects
1993Tan LW and Shiel RJ Hydrobiologia Responses of billabong rotifer communities to inundation
1998Baldwin DS, Ford P and Nielsen DLWater Research 32Resolution of the spatial variability in sediment composition within and between water-storage reservoirs using non-parametric statistical techniques
1996Davis, N., Maher, W., Bobinson, W., Ford, F. and Wade, A.Variability and design of sampling programsReplicate variation and temporal difference of nutrients in water samples: a pilot study of the lower Molonglo water quality control centre effluenct, Molonglo and Murrumbidgee Rivers
1994Maher W and De Vries MChemical Geology Release of phosphorus from oxidised estuarine sediments
2000O'Connell, M., Baldwin, D., Rees, G., Robertson, A.Freshwater BiologyRelease and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter from floodplain litter: Influence of origin and oxygen levels
1999Walsh, R.G.J., Shiel, R.J. and Tyler, P.A.Arch. Hydrobiol.Reconnaissance limnology of Tasmania VII. Coastal lagoons of Bass Strait islands, with reference to endemic microflora and microfauna
2000Lintermans, M.Marine and Freshwater ResearchRecolonisation by the mountain galaxias Galaxias olidus of a montane stream after the eradication of Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss
1998Baldwin DSWater ResearchReactive Organic Phosphorus revisited
1997Thomson S, White A and Georges AMemoirs of the Queensland MuseumRe-evaluation of Emydura lavarackorum: Identification of a living fossil
2001Esslemont, G., Maher, W.W. and Ford, P.Environmental TechnologyRates of leaf decomposition measured by manometric and membrane-electrode procedures
1994Hawking JH and Ingram BAOdonatologica Rate of larval development of Pantala flavescens (Fabricius) at its southern limit of range in Australia (Anisoptera: Libellulidae).
1998Jolley D, Maher W and Cullen PWater ResearchRapid method for separating and quantifying Orthophosphate and Polyphosphates: Application to sewage samples
1997Growns JE, Chessman BC, Jackson JE and Ross DGJournal of the North American Benthological Society 16 (3)Rapid assessment of Australian rivers using macroinvertebrates: cost and efficiency of 6 methods of sample processing
1998Shabala S, Newman I, Whittington J and Juswono UPlants 204: 146-152Protoplast ion fluxes: their measurement and variation with time, position and osmoticum
1999Janssen, M.A. and Walker, K.F.HydrobiologiaProcessing of riparian and wetland plant litter in the Ruver Murray, South Australia
1998Maher, W. and Woo, L.Analytica Chimica ActaProcedures for the storage and digestion of natural waters for the determination of filterable reactive phosphorus, total filterable phosphorus and total phosphorus
2001Brown, G.G., Maher, W.A., Norris, R.H. and Mathieu, J.Freshwater BiologyProblems with the use of terracotta clay saucers as phosphorus-diffusing substrata to assess nutrients limitation of epilithic algae
1994Marchant R, Barmuta L and Chessman BAustralian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research Preliminary study of the ordination and classification of macroinvertebrate comunities from running waters in Victoria, Australia
2001Houng, H., Rieknagel, F., Marshall, J.M. and Choy, S.C.Ecological ModellingPredictive modelling of macroinvertebrate assemblages for stream habitat assessment in Queensland (Australia)
1997Evans, L. and Norris, RPrediction of benthic macroinvertebrate composition using microhabitat characteristics derived from stereo photography
1997Evans LJ and Norris RHFreshwater Biology 37Prediction of benthic macroinvertebrate composition using microhabitat characteristics derived from stereo photography
1997Evans, L.J. and Norris, R.HPrediction of benthic macroinvertebrate composition using microhabitat characteristics derived from stereo photgraphy
2000Davies, N.M., Norris, R.H. and Thomas, M.C.Freshwater BiologyPrediction and assessment of local stream habitat features using large-scale catchment characteristics
2000Davies, N.M, Norris, R.H. and Thoms, M.CFreshwater BiologyPrediction and assessment of local stream habitat features using large-scale catchment characteristics
1997Growns JE and Growns IOMemoirs of the Museum of Victoria Predicting species richness for Australian freshwater macroinvertebrates: do we want to know?
2000Green, J.D. and Shiel, R.J.Freshwater BiologyPredation by Boeckella major (Copepoda: Calanoida) on billabong zooplankton: a mesocosm study
2000Newall, P., Wells, F.Journal of the North American Benthological SocietyPotential for delineating indicator-defined regions for streams in Victoria, Australia.
1993Quinn G P and Keough MJ Marine Ecology - Progress Series Potential effect of enclosure size on field experiments with herbivorous intertidal gastropods

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