Journal article (refereed)
Displaying 121 - 150 of 489 documents

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1998Oliver, R.L. and Whittington, J.Coastal and Estuarine StudiesUsing measurements of variable chlorophyll-a fluorescence to investigate the influences of water movement on the photochemistry of phytoplankton. Physical Processes in Lakes and Oceans
1997Contado C, Blo G, Fagioli F, Dondi F and Beckett RCollids and Surfaces ACharacterisation of River Po particles by sedimentation field-flow fractionation couples to GFAAS and ICP-MS
1994Day GMcD, Hart BT, McKelvie ID and Beckett RColloids and Surfaces Absorption of natural organic matter onto goethite
1997Grace MR, Hislop TM, Hart BT and Beckett RColloids and Surfaces Effect of saline groundwater on the aggregation and settling of suspended particles in a turbid Australian river
1997Beckett R, Murphy D, Takjiki S and Giddings JCColloids and Surfaces ADetermination of thickness, aspect ration and size distributions for platey particles using sedimentation field-flow fractionation and electron microscopy
1999Hawking, J.H.Conservation and Biodiversity of Invertebrates, Royal Zoological Society of NSW, MosmanAn evaluation of the current conservation status of Australian dragonflies (Odonata) The other 99%
2000Broomhall, S.D., Osborne, W.S., and Cunningham, R.B. Conservation BiologyComparative effects of ambient ultraviolet-B radiation on two sympatric species of Australian frogs
1993Keough MJ, Quinn GP and King A Conservation Biology Correlations between human collecting and intertidal mollusc populations on rocky shores
1999Hancock, M.A. and Bunn, S.E.CrustaceanaSwimming response to water current in Paratya australiensis Kemp 1917 (Decapoda: Atyidae) under laboratory conditions
2001Langley, J.M., Shiel, R.J., Nielson, D.L. and Green, J.D.Developments in Hydrobiology (Proceedings of the IXth Int. Rotifer Symposium, held at the University of Khon Kaen, Thailand, Jan. 16-23 2000)Hatching from the sediment egg-bank, or aerially dispersed? - the use of mesocosms in assessing rotifer biodiversity
1993Peake A and Quinn G P Ecography Temporal variations in species-area curves for invertebrates in clumps of an intertidal mussel
2000Hawkins, C.P., Norris, R.H., Mogue, J.N., Feminella, J.W.Ecological ApplicationsDevelopment and evaluation of predictive models for measuring the biological integrity of streams
1998Keough MJ and Quinn GPEcological Applications 8Effects of periodic disturbances from trampling on rocky intertidal algal beds
1999Raisin G, Bartly J and Croome REcological EngineeringGroundwater influence on the water balance and nutrients budget of a small natural wetland in Northeastern Victoria, Australia
2001Lake, P.S.Ecological Management and RestorationOn the maturing of restoration: Linking ecological research and restoration.
2001Nicol, S., Bearlin, A., Robley, A.,Koehn, J., Leischke, J.Ecological Management and RestorationDistribution of large woody debris in the mid-reaches of the Murray River
2001Houng, H., Rieknagel, F., Marshall, J.M. and Choy, S.C.Ecological ModellingPredictive modelling of macroinvertebrate assemblages for stream habitat assessment in Queensland (Australia)
1998Downes BJ, Lake PS, Schreiber ESG and Glaister AEcological MonagraphHabitat structure and regulation of local species diversity in a stony, upland stream
1998Downes, B.J., Lake, P.S., Schreiber, E.S.G. and Glaisler, A.Ecological MonographsHabitat structure and regulation of local species diversity in a stoney, upland stream.
2002Thomson, J. R., Lake, P. S. and Downes, B. J.EcologyThe effect of hydrological disturbance on the impact of a benthic invertebrate predator
1994Closs GP and Lake PSEcol.MonographsSpatial and temporal variation in the structure of an intermittent stream food web
2001Ewel, K. C., Cressa, C., Kneib, R.T., Lake, P. S., Levin, L. A., Palmer, M. A., Snelgrove, P. and Wall, D. H.EcosystemsManaging critical transition zones
2002Hyne, R.V. and Maher, W.AEcotoxicology and Environmental SafetyInvertebrate biomarkers links to toxicosis that predict population decline
1996Closs GP and Lake PSEnv Biol Fishes Drought, selective mortality and the coexistence of a native and introduced fish species in a Victorian intermittent stream
1999Cottingham, P., Davies, T. and Hart, B.Enviornmental TechnologyAeration to promote nitrification in constructed wetlands
1999Cottingham, P., Davies, T. and Hart, B.Enviornmental TechnologyAeration to promote nitrification in constructed wetlands
1998Baldwin DSEnviromental Science and TechnologyComments on Butyltin Contamination in Marine Mammals from North Pacific and Asian Coastal Waters
1999Osborne, W., Hunter, D. and Hollis, GEnvironment AustraliaPopulation declines and range contraction in Australian alpine frogs
1999Humphries, P., Koehn, J.D. and King, A.J.Environmental Biology of FishesFishes, flows and floodplains: links between Murray-Darling freshwater fish and their environment
1999Villizzi, L. and Walker, K.F.Environmental Biology of FishesThe onset of the juvenile period in carp, Cyprinus carpio: a literature survey

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