Journal article (refereed)
Displaying 211 - 240 of 489 documents

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2001Walsh, C.J., Sharpe, A.K., Breen, P.F. and Sonneman, J.A.Freshwater BiologyEffects of urbanisation on streams of the Melbourne region, Victoria, Australia. I. Benthic macroinvertebrate communities
2001Wishart, M. J. and Hughes, J. M.Freshwater BiologyExploring patterns of population subdivision in the net-winged midge, Elporia Barnardi (Diptera: Bleopariceridae), in mountain streams of the South-Western Cape, South Africa
1993Downes BJ, Lake, PS and Schreiber ESGFreshwater Biology Spatial variation in the distribution of stream invertebrates: implications of patchiness for models of community organization
1996Harris GP and Baxter GFreshwater Biology Interannual variability in phytoplankton biomass and species composition in a subtropical reservoir
1994Harris GPFreshwater Biology Pattern, process and prediction in aquatic ecology - A limnological view of some general ecological problems
1996Marchant R and Yule CMFreshwater Biology A method for estimating larval life spans of aseasonal aquatic insects from streams on Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea
1994Reed JL, Campbell IC and Bailey PCE Freshwater Biology The relationship between invertebrate assemblages and available food at forest and pasture sites in three southeastern Australian streams
1993Scholz O and Boon PI Freshwater Biology Biofilm development and extracellular enzyme activities on wood in billabongs of south-eastern Australia
1995Gawne B and Lake PSFreshwater Biology Effects of microspatial complexity on a herbivore-epilithon interaction in an Australian upland stream
1993Matveev V Freshwater Biology An investigation of allelopathic effects of Daphnia
1997Evans LJ and Norris RHFreshwater Biology 37Prediction of benthic macroinvertebrate composition using microhabitat characteristics derived from stereo photography
1995Sanson GD, Stolk R and Downes BJ Functional Ecology A new method for characterising surface roughness and available space in biological systems
1995Douglas GB, Gray CM, Hart BT and Beckett RGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta A strontium isotopic investigation of the origin of Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) in the Murray-Darling River system, Australia
1996Shiel RJGeoJournal Human population growth and over-utilisation of the biotic resources of the Murray-Darling River system, Australia
1999Hughes, J.M., Ponniah, M.H., Hurwood, D.A., Chenoweth, S. and Arthington, A.H.HeredityStrong fenetic structuring in a habitat specialist, the Oxleyan Pygmy Perch Nannoperca oxleyana
2003Hughes, D. A., Hughes, J. M., Bunn, S. E. and Cleary, C.HeredityPopulation structure in the freshwater shrimp (Paratya australiensis) inferred from allozymes and mitochondrial DNA
2001McGlashan, D.J. and Hughes, J.M.HeredityLow levels of mitochondrial DNA and allozyme variation among populations of freshwater fish Hypseleotris compressa (Gobiidae: Eleotridinae): implications for its biology, population connectivity and history
1997Lintermans MHerpetofauna 27First record of the Murray turtle Emydura macquarii (Gray) (Testudines: Chelidae) from the Australian Capital Territory
2000Doody, J.S. and Georges, A.Herpetological ReviewA novel technique for gathering turtle nesting and emergence phenology data
1996Graham T and Georges AHerpetological Review Struts for collapsible funnel traps
1999Hawking, J. and New, T.R.HydrobiolgiaThe distribution patterns of dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata) along the Kiewa River, Australia, and their relevance in conservation assessment
1996Baldwin DSHydrobiolgia The phosphorus composition of a diverse series of Australian sediments
2000Baldwin, D.S., Mitchell, A.M. and Rees, G.HydrobiologiaThe effect of in situ drying on sediment-P interactions in sediments from an old wetland
2000Bunn, S.E. and Davies, P.M.HydrobiologiaBiological processes in running waters and their implications for the assessment of ecological integrity
2000Bunn, S.E. and Davies, P.MHydrobiologiaBiological processes in running waters and their implications for the assessment of ecological integrity
1993Downes BJ and Jordan JHydrobiologiaEffects of stone topography on abundance of net-building caddisfly larvae and arthropod diversity in an upland stream
1998Duggan IC, Green JD, Thompson K and Shiel RJHydrobiologiaRotifers in relation to littoral ecotone structure in Lake Rotomanuka, New Zealand
unknownDuggan, I.C., Green, J.D., Shiel, R.J.HydrobiologiaDistribution of rotifers in North Island, New Zealand, and their potential use as bioindicators of lake trophic state
1998Frey DGHydrobiologiaExpanded description of Leberis aenigmatosa Smirnov (Anomopoda: Chydoridae): a furthur indication of the biological isolation between western and eastern Australia
2000Green, J.D., Shiel, R.J.HydrobiologiaMobiline peritrich riders on Australian calanoid copepods.

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