Journal article (refereed)
Displaying 151 - 180 of 489 documents

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1996Georges A and Adams MZoological Journal of the Linnean Society Electrophoretic delineation of species boundaries within the short-necked freshwater turtles of Australia (Testudines: Chelidae)
1998Georges A and McInnes SJournal of HerpetologyTemperature fails to influence hatchling sex in another genus and species of chelid turtles, Elusor macrurus
1993Georges A and Rose MChelonian Conservation and Biology Conservation biology of the Pig-Nosed Turtle Carettochelys Insculpta
1998Georges, A., Birrell, J., Saint, K.M., McCord, W. and Donellan, S.C.Biological J. of the Linnean SocietyA phylogeny for side-necked turtles (Chelonia: Pleurodira) based on mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequence variation.
1999Gibbons MJ et alSouth Africa Journal ScienceThe taxonomic richness of South Africa's marine fauna: a crisis at hand
1995Gill HS and Humphries PRecords of the Western Australian Museum An experimental evaluation of habitat choice in three species of goby
1997Goessler W, Maher W, Irgolic KJ, Kuehnelt D, Shclagenhaufen C and Kaise TFresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry 359Arsenic compounds in a marine food chain
1997Grace MR, Hislop TM, Hart BT and Beckett RColloids and Surfaces Effect of saline groundwater on the aggregation and settling of suspended particles in a turbid Australian river
1996Graham T and Georges AHerpetological Review Struts for collapsible funnel traps
1996Graham T, Georges A and McElhinney NJournal of HerpetologyTerrestrial orientation by the eastern long-necked turtle, Chelodina longicollis, from Australia.
2000Grant, T.R., Gehrke, P.C., Harris, J.H., and Hartley, S.Australian MammalogyDistribution of platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) in New South Wales: results of the 1994-1996 New South Wales Rivers Survey
1996Grayson RB, Finlayson BL, Gippel CH and Hart BTJournal Environmental Management The potential of field turbidity measurements for the computation of total phosphorus and suspended solids loads
1999Green JD and Shiel RJNew Zealand Journal Marine Freshwater Research Special IssueMouthpart morphology of the three calanoid copepods from Australian temporary pools: evidence for carnivory
1995Green JD and Shiel RJQuekett Journal of Microscopy Calanoid Copepods as Rotifer Taxonomists
2000Green, J.D. and Shiel, R.J.Freshwater BiologyPredation by Boeckella major (Copepoda: Calanoida) on billabong zooplankton: a mesocosm study
2000Green, J.D., Shiel, R.J.HydrobiologiaMobiline peritrich riders on Australian calanoid copepods.
1999Green, J.D., Shiel, R.J. and Littler, R.A.Arch. Hydrobiol.Boeckella major (Copepoda: Calanoida): a predator in Australian ephemeral pools
1998Growns IO, Pollard DA and Gehrke PCFisheries Management and Ecology 1998Changes in river fish assemblages associated with vegetated and degraded banks, upstream of and within nutrient-enriched zones
1998Growns IO, Pollard DA and Gehrke PCFisheries Management and EcologyChanges in river fish assemblages associated with vegetated and degraded banks, upstream of and within nutrient-riched zones
1996Growns IO, Pollard DA and Harris JH Fisheries Management and EcologyA comparison of electrofishing and gillnetting to examine the effects of anthropogenic disturbance on riverine fish communities
1997Growns JE and Growns IOMemoirs of the Museum of Victoria Predicting species richness for Australian freshwater macroinvertebrates: do we want to know?
1997Growns JE, Chessman BC, Jackson JE and Ross DGJournal of the North American Benthological Society 16 (3)Rapid assessment of Australian rivers using macroinvertebrates: cost and efficiency of 6 methods of sample processing
1996Halliwell DJ, McKelvie ID, Hart BT and Dunhill RH AnalystSeparation and detection of condensed phosphates in waste waters by ion chromatography coupled with flow injection
1996Halse SA, Shiel RJ and Pearson GBJournal Royal Society WA Waterbirds and aquatic invertebrates of swamps on the Victoria-Bonaparte mudflat, nothern Western Australia
2000Halse, S.A., Shiel, R.J., Storey, A.W., Edward, D.H.D., Lansbury, I., Cale, D.J., Harvey, M.S.Rec. W.A. Mus. Suppl.Aquatic invertebrates and waterbirds of wetlands and rivers of the southern Carnarvon-Irwin Basin, Western Australia
1999Hancock, M.A. and Bunn, S.E.CrustaceanaSwimming response to water current in Paratya australiensis Kemp 1917 (Decapoda: Atyidae) under laboratory conditions
1994Harris GPFreshwater Biology Pattern, process and prediction in aquatic ecology - A limnological view of some general ecological problems
1996Harris GPFreshwater BiologyA reply to Sarnelle (1996) and some further comments on Harris^s (1994) opinions
1996Harris GP and Baxter GFreshwater Biology Interannual variability in phytoplankton biomass and species composition in a subtropical reservoir
1995Harris JAustralian Journal of Ecology The use of fish in ecological assessments

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