Journal article (refereed)
Displaying 271 - 300 of 489 documents

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2001Ewel, K. C., Cressa, C., Kneib, R.T., Lake, P. S., Levin, L. A., Palmer, M. A., Snelgrove, P. and Wall, D. H.EcosystemsManaging critical transition zones
1994Adam K, Baldwin D, Bashall A, Lindoy L, McPartlin M and Powell HJ.Chem.Soc.Dalton Trans.Metal-ion recognition. Donor-set control of silver (I) / lead (II) discrimination using mixed-donor macrocyclic ligands
1995Boon PI and Sorrell BKJournal of North American Benthological Society Methane fluxes from an Australian floodplain wetland: The importance of emergent macrophytefluxes
1995Boon PI and Mitchell AFEMS Microbiology Ecology Methanogenesis in the sediments of an Australian freshwater wetland: Comparison with aerobic decay, and factors controlling methanogenesis
1996Boon PI, Virtue P and Nichols PD Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research Microbial consortia in wetland sediments: A biomarker analysis of the effects of hydrological regime, Vegetation and Season on Benthic Microbes
2000Green, J.D., Shiel, R.J.HydrobiologiaMobiline peritrich riders on Australian calanoid copepods.
1994Sorrell BK, Brix H and Boon PI Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Modelling of in situ oxygen transport and aerobic metabolism in the hydrophyte Eleocharis sphacelata R
1994Harris JH and Gehrke PCAgricultural Systems and Information Technology Modelling the relationship between streamflow and population recruitment to manage freshwater fisheries
1996Benson RL, Truong YB, McKelvie ID and Hart BTWater Research Monitoring of dissolved reactive phosphorus in wastewaters by flow injection analysis. Part 1. Method development and validation
2000Norris, R.H. and Hawkins, C.P.HydrobiologiaMonitoring River Health
1997Davis, J. and McGuire, M.Monitoring wetland health: are national river health program protocols applicable? (Progress report)
1999Green JD and Shiel RJNew Zealand Journal Marine Freshwater Research Special IssueMouthpart morphology of the three calanoid copepods from Australian temporary pools: evidence for carnivory
2001Hurwood, D. A. and Hughes, J. M.Molecular EcologyNested clade analysis of the freshwater shrimp, Caridina zebra (Decapoda: Atyidae) from north-eastern Australia
1996Thomson S and Georges AChelonian Conservation and Biology Neural bones in Australian chelid turtles
2001Maher, W.A., Hart, B.T. and Lawrence, IAustralasian Journal of EcotoxicologyNew generation physicochemical water quality guidelines for the protection of aquatic ecosystems
1999Hart BT, Maher B and Lawrence AIFreshwater BiologyNew generation water quality guidelines for ecosystem protection
1999Hart, B., Maher, B. and Lawrence, I.Freshwater BiologyNew generation water quality guidelines for ecosystem protection
1997Hart, B.T., Maher, B and Lawrence, INew generation water quality guidelines for ecosystem protection: nutrients and nuisance aquatic plant growth (Invited presentation: coastal nutrients - research aiding nutrient management in coastal rivers and estuaries, AWWA, Sydney Water and NSW EPA, Sydney 30-31 October, 1997)
2002Ogden, R. W., Thoms, M. C. and Levings, P. L.HydrobiologiaNutrient limitation of plant growth on the floodplain of the Narran River, Australia: growth experiments and a pilot soil survey
1997Chessman BC, Growns JE and Kotlash ARMarine and Freshwater Research 48Objective derivation of macroinvertebrate family sensitivity grade numbers for the SIGNAL biotic index: application to the Hunter River system, New South Wales
1997Chessman BC, Growns JE and Kotlash ARMarine and Freshwater Research Objective derivation of macroinvertebrate family sensitivity grade numbers for the SIGNAL biotic index: Application to the Hunter River system, New South Wales
1994Sorrell BK and Armstrong W Journal of Ecology On the difficulties of measuring oxygen release by root systems of wetland plants
1999MacNally, R. and Lake, P.S.Journal of BiogeographyOn the generation of diversity in archipelagos: a re-evaluation of the Quinn-Harrison 'saturation' index
2001Lake, P.S.Ecological Management and RestorationOn the maturing of restoration: Linking ecological research and restoration.
1995Kirk JTO and Oliver RL Journal Geophys. Res.Optical closure in an ultraturbid lake
1993Boon PIArch.Hydrobiol.Organic matter degradation and nutrient regeneration in Australian fresh waters. III. Size fractionation of phosphatase activity
1997Treadwell SA, Campbell IC and Edwards RT Journal North American Benthological Society Organic matter dynamics in Keppel Creek, southeastern Australia
2001Tyerman , S. D., Beilby, M., Whittington, J., Juswono, U., Newman, I. and Shabala, S.Australian Journal of Plant PhysiologyOscillations in proton transport revealed from simultaneous measurements of net current and net proton fluxes from isolated root protoplasts: MIFE meets patch-clamp
1994Harris GPFreshwater Biology Pattern, process and prediction in aquatic ecology - A limnological view of some general ecological problems
2000Hawkins, C.P. and Norris, R.H.Journal of the North American Benthological SocietyPerformance of different landscape classifications for aquatic bioassessments: Introduction to the series

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