Journal article (refereed)
Displaying 331 - 360 of 489 documents

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2000Lintermans, M.Marine and Freshwater ResearchRecolonisation by the mountain galaxias Galaxias olidus of a montane stream after the eradication of Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss
1999Walsh, R.G.J., Shiel, R.J. and Tyler, P.A.Arch. Hydrobiol.Reconnaissance limnology of Tasmania VII. Coastal lagoons of Bass Strait islands, with reference to endemic microflora and microfauna
2000O'Connell, M., Baldwin, D., Rees, G., Robertson, A.Freshwater BiologyRelease and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter from floodplain litter: Influence of origin and oxygen levels
1994Maher W and De Vries MChemical Geology Release of phosphorus from oxidised estuarine sediments
1996Davis, N., Maher, W., Bobinson, W., Ford, F. and Wade, A.Variability and design of sampling programsReplicate variation and temporal difference of nutrients in water samples: a pilot study of the lower Molonglo water quality control centre effluenct, Molonglo and Murrumbidgee Rivers
1998Baldwin DS, Ford P and Nielsen DLWater Research 32Resolution of the spatial variability in sediment composition within and between water-storage reservoirs using non-parametric statistical techniques
1993Tan LW and Shiel RJ Hydrobiologia Responses of billabong rotifer communities to inundation
2002Lake, P. S., Downes, B. J. and Glaister, A. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. Restoration ecology in flowing waters-problems and prospects
1996Maher WATrends in Analytical Chemistry REVIEW: Environmental sampling for trace analysis
1999Loneragan, N.R. and Bunn, S.E.Australian Journal of EcologyRiver flows and estuarine ecosystems: implications for coastal fisheries
1995Gehrke PC, Brown P, Schiller C, Moffatt D and Bruce ARegulated Rivers: Research & Management River regulation and fish communities in the Murray-Darling river system, Australia
2000Leonard, A., Hyne, R.V., Lim, R.P., Pablo, F. and Van Den Brink, P.Environ. Toxicol. Chem.Riverine endosulfan concentrations in the Namoi River, Australia: Link to cotton field runoff and macroinvertebrate population densities
1999Walsh, R.J.G., Shiel, R.J. and Tyler, P.A.Arch. Hydrobiol.Roconnaissance limnology of Tasmania VII. Limnology of coastal lagoons with special floristic and faunistic significance
1998Gawne G, Wang Y, Hoagland KD and Gretz MRBiofoulingRole of bacteria and bacterial exopolymer in the attachment of achnanathes longpipes (bacillariophyceae)
1995Breen PF and Chick AJ Water Science and Technology Rootzone dynamics in constructed wetlands receiving wastewater: A comparison of vertical and horizontal flow systems
1993Shiel RJ and Koste WTransactions of the Royal Society of South Australia Rotifera from Australian inland waters (IX) Gastropodidae, Synchaetidae, Asplanchnidae
1996Shiel RJ and Green JDNew Zealand Journal of Zoology Rotifera recorded from New Zealand, 1859-1995, with comments on zoogeography
1998Duggan IC, Green JD, Thompson K and Shiel RJHydrobiologiaRotifers in relation to littoral ecotone structure in Lake Rotomanuka, New Zealand
1995Brain CK, Fourie I and Shiel RJHydrobiologia Rotifers of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, South Africa
1998Downes BJ, Lake PS, Glaister A and Webb AFreshwater BiologyScales and frequencies of disturbances: rock size, bed packing and variation among upland streams
2003Parsons, M., Thoms, M.C. and Norris, R. H.Journal of the North American Benthological SocietyScales of macroinvertebrate distribution in relation to the hierarchical organization of river systems
2002Cottingham, P., Thoms, M.C. and Quinn, G.P.Aust. J. Water ResourcesScientific panels and their use in environmental flow assessment in Australia
1995Marchant RArch. fur Hydrobiol Seasonal variation in the vertical distribution of hyporheic invertebrates in an Australian upland river
2000Surtikanti, H.K., Hyne, R.V.Australiasian Journal of EcotoxicologySediment toxicity testing using the amphipod Corophium sp: Standaridation of test conditions for an acute survival test and a sub-chronic growth test in freshwater
1999Peters, G.M., Maher, W.A., Jolley, D., Carroll, B.I., Gomes, V.G., Jenkinson, A.V. and McOrist, G.D.Organic GeochemistrySelenium contamination, redistribution and remobilisation in sediments of Lake Macquarie, NSW
1996Baldwin S, Maher W, Kleber E and Krikowa FMarine Pollution Bulletin Selenium in marine organisms of seagrass habitats (Posidonia australis) of Jervis Bay, Australia
1997Maher W, Deaker M, Jolley D, Krikowa F and Roberts BApplied Organometallic Chemistry 11Selenium occurrence, distribution and speciation in the cockle Andara trapezia and the mullet Mugil cephalus
1994Beckett R, Jiang Y, Liu G, Moon MH and Giddings JCParticulate Science and Technology Separation and behaviour of nonspherical particles in sedimentation/steric field-flow fractionation
1996Halliwell DJ, McKelvie ID, Hart BT and Dunhill RH AnalystSeparation and detection of condensed phosphates in waste waters by ion chromatography coupled with flow injection
2003Smith, B.B. and Walker, K.F.Marine and Freshwater ResearchShrinkage of 0+ carp (Cyprinus carprol) after preservation in ethanol.

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