Journal article (refereed)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 489 documents

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2001McGlashan, D. J., Hughes, J. M. and Bunn, S. E.Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic SciencesWithin-drainage population genetic structure of the freshwater fish Pseudomugil signifer (Pseudomugilidae) in Northern Australia
1999Gehrke G, Astles KL and Harris JHRegualted Rivers: Research and ManagementWithin-catchment effects of flow alteration on fish assemblages in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River system, Australia
2002Raadik, T.A.Fishes of SahulWhen is a mountain galaxias not a mountain galaxias?
1993Bunn SE and Boon PI OecologiaWhat sources of organic carbon drive food webs in billabongs?: A study based on stable isotope analysis
1999Norris RH and Thoms MCFreshwater BiologyWhat is river health?
1999Norris, R.H. and M.C., ThomsFreshwater BiologyWhat is river health?
2002Sims, N.C. and Thoms, M.C.What happens when floodplains wet themselves: vegetation response to inundation on the lower Balonne floodplain.
1996Halse SA, Shiel RJ and Pearson GBJournal Royal Society WA Waterbirds and aquatic invertebrates of swamps on the Victoria-Bonaparte mudflat, nothern Western Australia
2000Thoms, M. C., and Sheldon, FJournal of Hydrology Water resource development and hydrological change in a large dryland river: the Barwon-Darling River, Australia
2002McGinness, H.M. and Thoms, M.C.Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.Water resource development and floodplain carbon dynamics.
2000Nicol, J.M., and Ganf, G.GMarine and Freshwater Research Water regimes, seedling recruitment and establishment in 3 wetland plant species
1999Blanch, S.J., Walker, K.F., Ganf, G.G.Regulated Rivers: Research and Management (Lowland Rivers Issue)Water regime preferences of plants in four weir pools of the River Murray, Australia
1994Boon PI and Bunn SEAquatic BotanyVariations in the stable isotope composition of aquatic plants and their implications for food web analysis
1996Ross J, Boon PI, Sharma R and Beckett RLetters in Applied Microbiology Variations in the fluorescence intensity of intact DAPI-stained bacteria and their implications for rapid bacterial quantification
1996Ross J, Boon PI and Beckett R Letters in Applied Microbiology Variations in the fluorescence intensity of intact DAPI-stained bacteria and their implications for rapid bacterial quantification
2001Brookes, J.D. and Ganf, G.G.J. Plankton Res.Variations in the buoyancy response of Microcystis aeruginosa to nitrogen, phosphorus and light.
2000Balcombe, S.R. and Closs, G.P.Journal of Freshwater EcologyVariation in carp Gudgeon (Hypseleotriss spp.) catch rate in dense macrophytes
1998Oliver, R.L. and Whittington, J.Coastal and Estuarine StudiesUsing measurements of variable chlorophyll-a fluorescence to investigate the influences of water movement on the photochemistry of phytoplankton. Physical Processes in Lakes and Oceans
2001Doody, J.S., Sims, R.A. and Georges, A.Chelonian Conservation and BiologyUse of localized thermal springs to elevate body temperatures by the pig-nosed turtle, Carettochelys insculpta
1995McKelvie ID, Hart BT, Cardwell TJ and Cattrall RW Analytica Chimica Acta Use of immobilised phytase and flow injection for the determination of dissolved phosphorus species in natural waters
2001Hazell, D., Cunningham, R., Lindenmayer, D., Mackey, B. and Osborne, W.Biological ConservationUse of farm dams as frog habitat in an Australian agricultural landscape: factors affecting species richness and distribution
2000Brown,G., Norris, R., Maher, W. and Thomas, K.Use of electricity to inhibit macroinvertebrate grazing of epilithon in experimental treatments in flowing waters
2000Brown, G., Norris, R.H., Maher, W.A. and Thomas, KJ. N. Am. Benthol. Soc.Use of electricity to inhibit macroinvertebrate grazing of epilithon in experimental treatments in flowing waters
1995Norris RH, Hart BT, Finlayson M and Norris KR (guest eds.)Special issue Australian Journal of EcologyUse of biota to assess water quality
2000Walsh, C.J.HydrobiologiaUrban impacts on the ecology of receiving waters: a framework for assessment. conservation and restoration
1993Noller BN and Hart BTEnvironmental Technology Uranium in sediments from the Magela Creek catchment, Northern Territory, Australia
2000Walker, K.F.Regulated Rivers: Research and ManagementTropical Asian Streams: Zoo-benthos, Ecology and Conservation, Hong Kong UP
1998Matveev V and Matveeva LInternation Review HydrobiologyTrophic level interactions in Australian Reservoirs: Evidence from plankton and fisheries acoustics
1998Sherman BS, Webster IT, Jones GJ and Oliver RLLimnology and OceanographyTransitions between Aulacoseira and Anabaena dominance in a turbid river weir pool
1993Shiel RJ and Sanoamuang LHydrobiologiaTrans-Tasman variation in Australasian Filinia populations

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