Journal article (refereed)
Displaying 481 - 489 of 489 documents

YearCan be sorted ascending or descendingAuthor(s)Can be sorted ascending or descendingJournalSorted ascending, can be sorted descendingArticle TitleCan be sorted ascending or descending
1997Evans, L.J. and Norris, R.HPrediction of benthic macroinvertebrate composition using microhabitat characteristics derived from stereo photgraphy
1997Hart, B.T., Maher, B and Lawrence, INew generation water quality guidelines for ecosystem protection: nutrients and nuisance aquatic plant growth (Invited presentation: coastal nutrients - research aiding nutrient management in coastal rivers and estuaries, AWWA, Sydney Water and NSW EPA, Sydney 30-31 October, 1997)
1995Norris, R.H.Biological monitoring: the dilemma of data analysis
2002Sims, N.C. and Thoms, M.C.What happens when floodplains wet themselves: vegetation response to inundation on the lower Balonne floodplain.
1995Reynoldson, T.B., Bailey, R.C., Day, K.E. and Norris, R.H.Biological guidelines fpr freshwater sediment based on BEnthic Assessment of SedimenT (the BEAST) using a multivariate approach for predicting biological state
1997Reynoldson, T.B., Norris, R.H., Resh, V.H., Day, K.E. and Rosenberg, D.MThe reference condition: a comparison of mulitmetric and multivariate approaches to assess water-quality impairment using benthic macroinvertebrates
1997Shalders, R.D., McKelvie, I.D. and Hart, B.TThe measurement of bioavailable phosphorus in natural waters
2002Thoms, M.C. and Parsons, M.Eco-geomorphology: An interdisciplinary approach to river science
2003Wishart, M. J. and Hughes, J. M.Genetic population structure of the net-winged midge, Elporia barnardi (Diptera: Blephariceridae) in streams of the south-western Cape, South Africa: implications for dispersal

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