Journal article (refereed)
Displaying 91 - 120 of 489 documents

YearCan be sorted ascending or descendingAuthor(s)Can be sorted ascending or descendingJournalCan be sorted ascending or descendingArticle TitleSorted descending, can be sorted ascending
1995Hawking JH and New TR Odonatologica The diet of anisopteran larvae from two streams in north-eastern Victoria, Australia
1995Hawking JH and New TR Aquatic Insects The development of eggs of dragonflies (Odonata: Anisoptera) from two streams in north-eastern Victoria, Australia
1996Hawking JH and New TR Hydrobiologia The development of Dragonfly: Larvae (Odonata; Anisoptera) from two streams in north-eastern Victoria, Australia
1996Hawking JH and New TR Aquatic Insects The development of Dragonfly: Larvae (Odonata; Anisoptera) from two streams in north-eastern Victoria, Australia
2001Batley, G.E. and Maher, W.A.Australasian Journal of EcotoxicologyThe development and application of ANZECC and ARMCANZ sediment quality guidelines
2000Esslemont, G., Maher, W., Ford, P. and Krikowa, F.Atomic SpectroscopyThe determination of phosphorus and other elements in plant leaves by ICP-MS after low-volume microwave digestion with nitric acid
1994Breen PF, Mag V and Seymour BSWater Science and Technology The combination of a flood retarding basin and a wetland to manage the impact of urban runoff
1994Smith JJ and Lake PSHydrobiologia The breakdown of buried and surface-placed leaf litter in an upland stream
1997Dove ADM, Cribb TH, Mockler SP and Lintermans MMarine and Freshwater Research The Asian fish tapeworm, Bothriocephalus acheilognathi in Australian freshwater fishes
1993Storey AW, Halse SA and Shiel RJJournal of the Royal Society of Western Australia The aquatic invertebrate fauna of the Two Peoples Bay area, south-western Australia
1994Sarre S, Dearn J and Georges APacific Conservation Biology The application of fluctuating asymmetry in the monitoring of wildlife populations
1999Maszenan AM, Seviour RJ, Patel BKC, Schumann P and Rees GNInternational Journal of Systematic BacteriologyTessaracoccus bendigoensis gen.nov.sp.nov., a Gram positive coccus occurring in regular packages or tetrads, isolated from activated sludge biomass
1996Graham T, Georges A and McElhinney NJournal of HerpetologyTerrestrial orientation by the eastern long-necked turtle, Chelodina longicollis, from Australia.
1993Peake A and Quinn G P Ecography Temporal variations in species-area curves for invertebrates in clumps of an intertidal mussel
2002Metzeling, L., Robinson, D., Perriss, S. and Marchant, R.Marine and Freshwater ResearchTemporal persistance of benthic invertebrate communities in south-eastern Australian streams: taxonomic resolution and implications for the use of predictive models
2002Hillman, T.J. and Quinn, G.P.River Researchand ApplicationsTemporal changes in macroinvertebrate assemblages of permanent and temporary wetlands in a floodplain forest
1998Georges A and McInnes SJournal of HerpetologyTemperature fails to influence hatchling sex in another genus and species of chelid turtles, Elusor macrurus
1995McKelvie ID, Peat DMW and Worsfold PJ Analytical Proceedings Techniques for the quantification and speciation of phosphorus in natural waters
1996Thomson SA, Littlejohn MJ, Robinson WA and Osborne WSAustralian Zoologist Taxonomy of the Litoria aurea complex: a re-evaluation of the Southern Tableland populations of the ACT and NSW
1998MacNally RC and Quinn GPAustralian Journal of Ecology 23Symposium introduction: the importance of scale in ecology
1999Hancock, M.A. and Bunn, S.E.CrustaceanaSwimming response to water current in Paratya australiensis Kemp 1917 (Decapoda: Atyidae) under laboratory conditions
1994Matveev V, Matveeva L and Jones GJ Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research Study of the ability of Daphnia carinata King to control phytoplankton and resist cyanobacterial toxicity: Implications for biomanipulation in Australia
1996Graham T and Georges AHerpetological Review Struts for collapsible funnel traps
2001Kong, Y.H., Beer, M., Seviour, R.J., Lindrea, K.C. and Rees, G.N.Systematic and Applied MicrobiologyStructure and functional analysis of the microbial community in an aerobic:anaerobic sequencing batch reactor with no phosphorus removal
1999Hughes, J.M., Ponniah, M.H., Hurwood, D.A., Chenoweth, S. and Arthington, A.H.HeredityStrong fenetic structuring in a habitat specialist, the Oxleyan Pygmy Perch Nannoperca oxleyana
1996Lawrence AI, Marsalek J, Ellis JB and Urbonas BJournal of Hydraulic ResearchStormwater detention and BMPs
1996Lawrence I, Marsalek J, Ellis B and Urbonas BJournal International Association of Hydraulic ResearchStormwater Detention and Best Management Practice
1996Osborne WS and McElhinney NAAustralian ZoologistStatus, habitat and preliminary observations of calling of the green and golden bell frog Litoria aurea on Bowen Island, Jervis Bay National Park
1994Douglas M and Lake PSOikosSpecies richness of stream stones: an investigation of the mechanisms generating the species-area relationship
1993McKelvie ID, Hart BT, Cardwell TJ and Cattrall RW Talanta Speciation of dissolved phosphorus in environmental samples by gel filtration and flow-injection analysis

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