Journal article (refereed)
Displaying 301 - 330 of 489 documents

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1997Hart, B.T., Maher, B and Lawrence, INew generation water quality guidelines for ecosystem protection: nutrients and nuisance aquatic plant growth (Invited presentation: coastal nutrients - research aiding nutrient management in coastal rivers and estuaries, AWWA, Sydney Water and NSW EPA, Sydney 30-31 October, 1997)
1997Hotzel GPhycologia, Vol 36:4 SupplLong-term observations on the phytoplankton in a large river (Murray River, Australia)
1997Keough MJ, Quinn GP and Bathgate RJournal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 215Geographic variation in interactions between size classes of the limpet Cellana tramoserica
1997Lawrence I and Baldwin SAustralian Journal of Water Resources, IEAustDevelopment of an urban pond water quality model
1997Laybourn-Parry J, James MR, McKnight DM, Priscu J, Spaulding SA and Shiel RJPolar Biology The microbial plankton of Lake Fryxell, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica during the summers of 1992 and 1994
1997Lintermans MHerpetofauna 27First record of the Murray turtle Emydura macquarii (Gray) (Testudines: Chelidae) from the Australian Capital Territory
1997Maher W, Deaker M, Jolley D, Krikowa F and Roberts BApplied Organometallic Chemistry 11Selenium occurrence, distribution and speciation in the cockle Andara trapezia and the mullet Mugil cephalus
1997Mak A and Georges AInternational Journal of Science EducationBenefits of self-paced learning modules for teaching quantitative methods in environmental science
1997Marchant R, Hirst A, Norris RH, Butcher R, Metzeling L and Tiller DJournal of the North American Benthological Society 16Classification and prediction of macroinvertebrate assemblages from running waters in Victoria, Australia
1997Maszenan AM, Seviour RJ, Patel BKC, Rees GN and McDougall BMInternational Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 47Amaricoccus gen. nov., a Gram-negative coccus occurring in regular packages or tetrads, isolated from activated sludge biomass. Description of four species belonging to the genus
1997McKelvie ID, Peat DMW, Matthews GP and Worsfold PJAnalytica Chimica ActaElimination of the Schlieren effect in the determination of reactive phosphorus in estuarine waters by flow-injection analysis
1997Nakano S-i, Nakanishi M, Kumagai M, Sekino T, Okubo K, Yokoyama K, Tsuda R, Kawabata K, Takahashi M and Oliver RLVerh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 26:558-561Does advection influence plankton life in Lake Biwa?
1997Nielsen DL and Chick AJMarine and Freshwater ResearchFlood-mediated changes in aquatic macrophyte community structure
1997Palmer M, Covich AP, Finlay BJ, Gibert J, Hyde KD, Johnson RK, Kairesalo T, Lake PS, Lovell CR, Naiman RJ, Ricci C, Sabater F and Strayer DAmbio 26Biodiversity and ecosystem processes in freshwater sediments
1997Palmer, M. A., Covich, A. P., Finlay, B. J., Gilbert, J., Hyde, K. D., Johnson, R. K., Kauesalo, T., Lake, P. S., Lovell, C. R., Naiman, R. J., Ricci, C., Sabater, F. and Strayer, D.AmbiosBiodiversity and ecosystem processes in freshwater sediments
1997Reynoldson TB, Norris RH, Resh VH, Day KE and Rosenberg DMJournal of the North American Benthological SocietyThe reference condition: A comparison of multimetric and multivariate approaches to assess water-quality impairment using benthic macroinvertebrates
1997Reynoldson, T.B., Norris, R.H., Resh, V.H., Day, K.E. and Rosenberg, D.MThe reference condition: a comparison of mulitmetric and multivariate approaches to assess water-quality impairment using benthic macroinvertebrates
1997Seddon JM, Georges A, Baverstock PR and McCord WMolecular Phylogenetics and EvolutionPhylogenetic relationships of Chelid Turtles (Pleurodira: Chelidae) based on Mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene sequence variation
1997Shalders, R.D., McKelvie, I.D. and Hart, B.TThe measurement of bioavailable phosphorus in natural waters
1997Thomson S, White A and Georges AMemoirs of the Queensland MuseumRe-evaluation of Emydura lavarackorum: Identification of a living fossil
1997Treadwell SA, Campbell IC and Edwards RT Journal North American Benthological Society Organic matter dynamics in Keppel Creek, southeastern Australia
1997Van Dok W and Hart BTJ. Phycol 33Akinete germination in Anabaena circinalis (cyanophyta)
1997Walsh CJMar Freshwater Res, 48A multivariate method for determining optimal subsample size in the analysis of macroinvertebrate samples
1996Baldwin DSLimnology and Oceanography Effects of exposure to air and subsequent drying on the phosphate sorption characteristics of sediments from a eutrophic reservoir
1996Baldwin DSHydrobiolgia The phosphorus composition of a diverse series of Australian sediments
1996Baldwin DS, Beattie JK and Jones DRWater Research Hydrolysis of an organic phosphorus compound by iron-oxide impregnated filter papers
1996Baldwin S, Maher W, Kleber E and Krikowa FMarine Pollution Bulletin Selenium in marine organisms of seagrass habitats (Posidonia australis) of Jervis Bay, Australia
1996Benson RL, McKelvie ID, Hart BT and Hamilton ICAnal Chim Acta Determination of total phosphorus in waters and wastewaters by on-line UV/thermal digestion and flow injection analysis
1996Benson RL, McKelvie ID, Hart BT, Truong YB and Hamilton ICAnal Chim Acta Determination of total phosphorus in waters and wastewaters by on-line UV/thermal induced digestion and flow injection analysis
1996Benson RL, Truong YB, McKelvie ID and Hart BTWater Research Monitoring of dissolved reactive phosphorus in wastewaters by flow injection analysis. Part 1. Method development and validation

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