Journal article (refereed)
Displaying 331 - 360 of 489 documents

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1997Nielsen DL and Chick AJMarine and Freshwater ResearchFlood-mediated changes in aquatic macrophyte community structure
1995Nielsen DL and King HM Australasian Journal of EcotoxicologyBiomonitoring of paper mill effluent using fish ventilatory signals
1998Nielsen DL, Shiel RL and Smith FJHydrobiologiaEcology versus taxonomy: is there a middle ground?
2002Nielsen, D.L., Hillman, T.J., Smith, F.J. and Sheil, R.J.River Research and ApplicationThe influence of seasonality and duration of flooding on zooplankton in experimental billabongs
2000Nielsen, D.L., Smith, F.J., Hillman, T.J. and Shiel, R.J.J. Plankt. Res.Impact of water regime and fish predation on zooplankton resting egg production
1993Noller BN and Hart BTEnvironmental Technology Uranium in sediments from the Magela Creek catchment, Northern Territory, Australia
1995Norris RH Journal of the North American Benthological Society Biological monitoring: The dilemma of data analysis
1995Norris RH and Norris KR Australian Journal of Ecology The need for biological assessment of water quality: Australian perspective
1999Norris RH and Thoms MCFreshwater BiologyWhat is river health?
1995Norris RH, Hart BT, Finlayson M and Norris KR (guest eds.)Special issue Australian Journal of EcologyUse of biota to assess water quality
1993Norris RH, Moore JL, Maher WA and Wensing LPAustralian Journal of Marine and Freshwater ResearchLimnological characteristics of two coastal dune lakes
1999Norris Rh, Turak E, Flack LK, Simpson J and Waddell NFreshwater BiologyAssessment of river condition at a large spatical scale using predictive models
1995Norris, R. H., and Norris, K.R.Australian Journal of EcologyThe need for biological assessment of water quality: Australian perspective
1995Norris, R.H.Biological monitoring: the dilemma of data analysis
2000Norris, R.H. and Hawkins, C.P.HydrobiologiaMonitoring River Health
1999Norris, R.H. and M.C., ThomsFreshwater BiologyWhat is river health?
2000O'Connell, M., Baldwin, D., Rees, G., Robertson, A.Freshwater BiologyRelease and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter from floodplain litter: Influence of origin and oxygen levels
1994O'Connor NA and Lake PS Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research Long-term and seasonal large-scale disturbances of a small lowland stream
2002Ogden, R. and Thoms, R.Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.The importance of inundation to floodplain fertility in a large semi-arid river
2002Ogden, R. W., Thoms, M. C. and Levings, P. L.HydrobiologiaNutrient limitation of plant growth on the floodplain of the Narran River, Australia: growth experiments and a pilot soil survey
1994Oliver RLJournal of Phycology Floating and sinking in gas-vacuolate cyanobacteria
1998Oliver, R.L. and Whittington, J.Coastal and Estuarine StudiesUsing measurements of variable chlorophyll-a fluorescence to investigate the influences of water movement on the photochemistry of phytoplankton. Physical Processes in Lakes and Oceans
2001Orr, P.T., Jones, G.J., Hunter, R.A., Berger, K., De Paoli, D.A. and Orr, C.A.ToxiconIngestion of toxic Microcystis aeruginosa by dairy cattle and the implications for mcrocystin contamination of milk
1996Osborne WS and McElhinney NAAustralian ZoologistStatus, habitat and preliminary observations of calling of the green and golden bell frog Litoria aurea on Bowen Island, Jervis Bay National Park
1996Osborne WS, Littlejohn MJ and Thomson SAAustralian Zoologist Former distribution and apparent disappearance of the Litoria aurea complex from the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory
1996Osborne WS, Zentelis RA and Lau MAustralian Journal of ZoologyGeographical variation in corroboree frogs, Pseudophryne corroboree Moore (Anura: Myobatrachidae): A reappraisal supports recognition of P. pengilleyi Wells and Wellington
1999Osborne, W., Hunter, D. and Hollis, GEnvironment AustraliaPopulation declines and range contraction in Australian alpine frogs
1997Palmer M, Covich AP, Finlay BJ, Gibert J, Hyde KD, Johnson RK, Kairesalo T, Lake PS, Lovell CR, Naiman RJ, Ricci C, Sabater F and Strayer DAmbio 26Biodiversity and ecosystem processes in freshwater sediments
1997Palmer, M. A., Covich, A. P., Finlay, B. J., Gilbert, J., Hyde, K. D., Johnson, R. K., Kauesalo, T., Lake, P. S., Lovell, C. R., Naiman, R. J., Ricci, C., Sabater, F. and Strayer, D.AmbiosBiodiversity and ecosystem processes in freshwater sediments
2000Palmer, M. A., Covich, A. P., Lake, S., Biro,P., Brooks, J. J., Cole, J., Dahm, C., Gibert, J., Goedkoop, W., Martens, K., Verhoeven, J. and van de Bund, W. J.BioScienceLinkages between aquatic sediment biota and life above sediments as potential drivers of biodiversity and ecological processes

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