Technical Reports
Displaying 241 - 270 of 522 documents

YearCan be sorted ascending or descendingAuthor(s)Can be sorted ascending or descendingTitleSorted descending, can be sorted ascendingReport TitleCan be sorted ascending or descending
1998Wong THF, BReen PF, Somes NLG and Lloyd SDManaging urban stormwater using contructed wetlandsCooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology, Melbourne, Industry Report No. 98/7
2000Koehn, J.D., Brumley, A.R., and Gehrke, P.C.Managing the impacts of carp
1996Cullen, P., Resh, V., Norris, R., Norris, G., Dodgson, M. and Reynoldson, T.Managing collaboration for scientific excellenceTechnical report. February 1996
2000Cottingham, P., Georges, A., Briscoe, D., Butcher, R., Cullen, P., Deere, D., Harris, J., Hughes, J., Knowles, M., Lake, S., Lanertz, K., Paul, T., Reed, J., Williams, S. and Yates, D.Attachment IconManaging biodiversity in the Sydney water supply catchments: outcomes of a workshop held at Warragamba Conference Centre, 12th and 13th October, 2000CRCFE technical report 9/2000
1999Whittington, J. et al.Management of Wingecarribee Swamp and Reservoir: Identification of Knowledge gapsPrepared for the Sydney Catchment Authority
2000Davies, N., Sloane, P., Norris, R.Macroinvertebrate monitoring program: study designReport to Wildlife Research and Monitoring Unit, Environment ACT
2000Hyne, R.V., Maher, W.A.Attachment IconMacroinvertebrate biomarkers- Links to toxicosis and changes in populations or communitiesFinal report
2001Hyne, R.V., Maher, W.A.Macroinvertebrate biomarkers- Links to toxicosis and changes in populations or communitiesOutcomes of a workshop held at Warragamba Conference Centre
1996Ross, Jennifer and Hart, BarryLWRRDC final report- Microbial indicators of river health
1997Lintermans MLower Molonglo Water Quality Control Centre biological monitoring program: 1996 fish monitoring reportConsultancy Report to ACTEW Corporation
1997Osborne, W.S. and Davis, M.S.Long-term variability in temperature, precipitation and snow cover in the Snowy Mountains: Is there a link with the decline of the Southern Corroboree Frog (Pseudophryne corroboree)?Occasional Paper in Applied Ecology (University of Canberra) No. 10
1995Minchin, S.A., Hart, B.T., O'Neill, FLimnology of Cairn Curran Reservoir, Victoria- Stratification and nutrient studies summer 1994/5Report for Goulburn-Murray Water, June 1995
2000Cullen, P., Whittington, J. and Fraser, G.Attachment IconLikely ecological outcomes of the COAG Water ReformsCRCFE technical report
1999Cullen, P., Whittington, J. and Fraser, G.Likely ecological outcomes of the COAG water reformsFinal draft report. June 1999
1997Dean, J.C.Larvae of the Australian Hydrobiosidae (Insecta : Trichoptera)CRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 11
1999Treadwell, S., Koehn, J. and Bunn, S.E.Large woody debris and other aquatic habitatIn: Riparian Technical Guidelines Volume One: Principles of Sound Management
2001Cottingham, P., Carpenter, S., Hilborn, R., Kitchell, J. and Stow, C.Attachment IconLarge-scale ecological studies and their importance for freshwater management. Report of a forum held at Bayview Conference Centre, Monash University, 15th December 2000CRCFE technical Report no. 4/2001
2002Lawrence, I.Lake Ginninderra Refurbishment: modelling of stormwater discharge sedimentation and dispersionReport for Canberra Urban Parks and Places
1995Hawking JH Lake Cowal baseline monitoring program: Supplementary invertebrate sampling
1995Breen, P.F. and Craigie, N.M. Kurung Park drain urban runoff treatment system
2001Cullen, P., Cottingham, P., Doolan, J., Edgar, B., Ellis, C., Fisher, M., Flett, D., Johnson, D., Sealie, L., Stocklmayer, S., Vanclay, F. and Whittington, J.Attachment IconKnowledge seeking strategies of natural resource professionals: synthesis of a workshop held in Bungendore, NSW from 5-7th June 2000CRCFE technical report no. 2/2001
2000Cullen, P.W.Knowledge and Innovation: Policy Settings for AustraliaOpening Address, 11th Royal Australian Chemistry Institute Convention
1999Kearny RE, Davis KM and Beggs KEIssues affecting the sustainabilityof Australia's freshwater fisheries resources and identification of research strategiesFinal project to Fisheries Research and Development Corporation
2004New, T.R.Introduction to the systematics and biography of Australia Aquatic Neuroptera.CRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 49
1996Hart B and Cullen P International ActivitiesThird year review documentation
1995Hart BT Integrated water quality and biological monitoring program Consultancy Contract No 3922
2001Lawrence, IIntegrated Urban Land and Water Management. Principles and Practice for Sustainable Urban DesignDRAFT Technical Report 1/2001
2001Lawrence, I.Attachment IconIntegrated urban land and water management - Planning and design guidelinesCRCFE technical report 1/2001
2002Lawrence, I., Maher, W., and Hart, B. T.Integrated land and water resource assessment Report for Environment Australia
1993Hart BT, Royle R, Poulson S and Morris S Integrated catchment and reservoir management study: Candowie and Lance Creek reservoirsWater Resources and Management Report Series No. 88

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