Technical Reports
Displaying 511 - 522 of 522 documents

YearCan be sorted ascending or descendingAuthor(s)Can be sorted ascending or descendingTitleSorted descending, can be sorted ascendingReport TitleCan be sorted ascending or descending
1999Baker, P.D.; Larelle, D.FabbroA guide to the identification of common Blue-Green algae (Cyanoprokaryotes) in Australian freshwatersCRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No.25
1999Griggs, J.A., Sheil, R.J. and Croome, R.L.A guide to the identification of chydorids (Branchiopoda: Anomopoda) from Australian inland watersTaxanomic workshop
2001McGregor, G.B.; Fabbro, L.D.A guide to the identification of Australian freshwater planktonic Chroococcales (Cyanoprokaryota/Cyanobacteria)CRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 39
1998Harvey MS and Growns JEA guide to the families of Australian water mites (Arachnida: Acarina)CRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 18
1995Shiel, R.J.A guide to identification of Rotifers, Cladocerans and Copepods from Australian Inland WatersCRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 3
1996Thoms MC, Sheldon F and McCosker R A geomorphological and habitat survey of the Border RiversReport to the Queensland DPI
1993Stevenson W and Norris RHA definition of the condition of the Thredbo River at June 1989
2001Pearson, M.; Hawking, J.H.A bibliography to some of the ecological and biological literature of Australian aquatic inland invertebratesCRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 36
1998Davis, J.A guide to the identification of late larval Psephenidae Water Pennies (Insecta- Coleoptera)CRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 17
1998Harvey, M.S.; Growns, J.E.A guide to the identification of late larval Psephenidae Water Pennies (Insecta- Coleoptera)CRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 18
2001Humphries, Paul, Icon2001 Symposium on the role of drought in aquatic ecosystems
2000Norris, R.H.; Coysh, J.; Linke, S.; Walsh, C.; Choy, S.Attachment Icon'Dirty water' models. Predicting community composition for streams in disturbed landscapes. Summary Report. ScD1Summary report September 2000

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