Technical Reports
Displaying 91 - 120 of 522 documents

YearSorted descending, can be sorted ascendingAuthor(s)Can be sorted ascending or descendingTitleCan be sorted ascending or descendingReport TitleCan be sorted ascending or descending
2001Lawrence, I.Water Resource Assessment , Planning and ManagementLecture notes and case studies
2001Lawrence, I.Constructed or modified urban waterway ecosystem classification: Draft October 2001ANZECC & ARMCANZ Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality
2001Lawrence, I.Health RIsk Assessment Protocol for Recreational Water Use
2001Lawrence, I. Sustainability Principles Guiding the Design of Sub-divisions
2001Lawrence, I., Maher, W. and Hart, B. Stream sediment contaminants assessment tools and protocolsDevelopment outline
2001Lintermans, M., Jekabsons, MThe Lake Burley Griffin fishery: 2001 sampling reportConsultancy report to the National Capital Authority
2001Lintermans, M., Jekabsons, M. and Morris, BA survey of Fish in the Lower Queanbeyan RiverConsultancy report to Queanbeyan City Council
2001Mackay, S. J., Arthington, A. H., Kennard, M. J. and MacFarlane, B.Freshwater Surveys of Sandy and Flagstone CreeksConsultancy report for Report for Cardno MBK April 2001
2001McCarthy, B., Wilson, G. and Gawne, B.Development of experimental design and monitoring for a weir draw-down trial to determine the nature of ecological benefitsIssue Paper to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission
2001McGregor, G.B.; Fabbro, L.D.A guide to the identification of Australian freshwater planktonic Chroococcales (Cyanoprokaryota/Cyanobacteria)CRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 39
2001Norris, R., Liston, P., Davies, N., Coysh, J., Dyer, F., Linke, S., Prosser, I., Young, B.Snapshot of the Murray-Darling Basin River Condition Report to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission
2001Norris, R., Prosser, I., Young, B., Liston, P., Bauer, N., Davies, N., Dyer, F., Linke, S. and Thoms, MAssessment of River Condition: An Audit of the Ecological Condition of Australian RiversFinal Report submitted to the National Land and Water Resources Audit Office. September 2001
2001Pearson, M.; Hawking, J.H.A bibliography to some of the ecological and biological literature of Australian aquatic inland invertebratesCRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 36
2001Raadik, T. A. and MacKay, S.Development of a Long-term Biodiversity Monitoring Program - Review of Aquatic Fauna Diversity (fish, decapod crustacea and bivalve molluscs) for the Hawkesbury River, Georges River, and Shoalhaven River BasinsReport to the Sydney Catchment Authority, Sydney.
2001Reid, M. A., Quinn, G. P. and Hillman, T. J.Measuring the effectiveness of environmental water allocationsFinal Report to Murray-Darling Basin Commission
2001Roberts, J., Bourman, B., Close, A., Erdmann, B., Hillman, T., Jones, G., Ganf, G., Geddes, M., Koehn, J., Newman, B., Paton, D., Suter, P. and Thoms, M.Scientific panel assessment of modelled flow and technical options for the Murray RiverA report to the Murray Darling Basin Ministerial Council
2001Sherman, B.; Ford, P.; Hatton, P.; Whittington, J.; Green, D.; Baldwin, D.; Oliver, R.; Shiel, R.J.; Van Berkel, J.; Beckett, R.; Grey, L.; Maher, B.Chaffy Dam StoryFinal report for CRCFE projects B.202 and B.203
2001Siebentritt, M., Ganf, G., Walker, K.The response of floodplain vegetation to the lock 5 Enhanced Flood Trial
2001Theischinger, G.Preliminary keys for the identification of larvae of the Australian Synthemistidae, Gomphomacromiidae, Pseudocorduliidae, Macromiidae, and Austrocorduliidae (Odonata)CRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 34
2001Tsyrlin, R.A key to Victorian nymphs of Leptoperla (Plectoptera- Gripopterygidae)CRCFE and MDBC Identification Guide No. 38
2001Whittington, et al.Development of relationships between flow regime and river health. CRC for Freshwater Ecology - outcomes of Clear Mountain WorkshopReport to Natural Resources and Mines
2001Whittington, J., Coysh, J., Davies, P., Dyer, F., Gawne, B., Lawrence, I., Liston, P., Norris, R., Robinson, W. and Thoms, M.Attachment IconDevelopment of a framework for the Sustainable Rivers Audit: A report to the Murray-Darling Basin CommissionTechnical report 8/2001
2001Wishart, M. J., Davies, B. R., Stewart, B. A. and Hughes, J. M.Examining Catchments as Functional units for the conservation of riverine biodiversityCatchments as the units for conservation and management with specific reference to the implications for the development of inter-basin water transfers and water resources management. Report K5/975/0/1
2000Arthington, A.H.Turtles, Frogs, Rats, Platypus and Birds of the Burnett WAMP Study AreaWater Allocation Management Planning for the Burnett River Basin
2000Arthington, A.H., Brizga, S.O., Bunn, S.E. and Loneragan, N.R.Estuarine and Marine EcosystemsBurnett Basin WAMP, Current Environmental Conditions and Impacts of Existing Water Resource
2000Arthington, A.H., Brizga, S.O., Choy, S.C., Kennard, M.J., Mackay, S.J., McCoster, R.O., Ruffini, J.L. and Zalucki, J.M.Environmental flow requirements of the Brisbane River downstream from Wivenhoe Dam
2000Breen, P., Walsh, C., Nichols, S., Norris, R., Metzeling, L. and Gooderham, J.Urban AUSRIVAS: An evaluation of the use of AUSRIVAS Models for urban stream assessment.Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation, Occasional Paper 12/99
2000Brock, M.A.How do water regime and grazing alter the reproductive capacity of aquatic plants?Final Report to National Wetlands R & D Program. June, 2000
2000Cant, B. and Koehn, J.National River Restoration Framework. Testing and DevelopmentCRCFE Technical Report 9/2000
2000Cook, R. and Hawking, J.Monitoring Fletcher Challenge Paper: Cooling Water Discharge to Eight Mile CreekFletcher Challenge Paper Annual Report

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