Displaying 91 - 120 of 165 documents

YearCan be sorted ascending or descendingAuthorCan be sorted ascending or descendingThesis TitleCan be sorted ascending or descendingTypeSorted descending, can be sorted ascendingOrganisationCan be sorted ascending or descending
1997PETHEBRIDGE, RobynThe ecology of introduced fish in the Hawkesbury Nepean river systemMastersMacquarie University
1995Seddon, J.M.Molecular phylogenetic relationships of the Chelidae (Testudines: Pleurodira)MastersSouthern Cross University
1996ROBINSON, Wayne Lizard-ant relationships of the endangered lizard Aprasia parapulchella in the Molonglo CatchmentMastersUniversity of Canberra
2002HEWLETT, RebeccaClassification of Victorican streams: implications of taxanomic resolution, sample habitat and sample seasonMastersLa Trobe
2002BALCOMBE, StephenSpatial and temporal habitat use in billabongs by small fish assemblagesMastersLa Trobe
2001CLAPCOTT, JoanneExamining the contribution of C4 plants to the aquatic food webs of lowland subtropical Queensland streamsMastersGriffith University
2001HUNTER, DavidLife history of declining and non declining frogs in the Southern highlands of NSWMastersUniversity of Canberra
2001DAVIS, NicoleThe fate of ammonia and the effects on the river systemMastersUniversity of Canberra
2000WATTS, KellieInvestigation of pore water phosphorus concentrations in lowland river sedimentsHonoursWater Studies Centre, Monash
1996VAN BERKEL, JasonThe study of orthophosphate adsorption to colloid particlesHonoursWater Studies Centre, Monash University
1997STOWAR, MarcusEffects of suspended solids on macroinvertebrate biota downstream of a road crossingHonoursUniversity of Canberra
1999MCGINNESS, HeatherCarbon storage in floodplainsHonoursUniversity of Canberra
1996GOWER, KathrynField-Flow FractionationHonoursWater Studies Centre, Monash
1996CHAN, KellyField-Flow FractionationHonoursWater Studies Centre, Monash
2000WEDDERBURN, ScottConservation status of small fish in the River Murray, SAHonoursUniversity of Adelaide
2000MCINERNEY, PaulImpact of inter basin transfer of water from the Snowy River to the Murray River on stream macroinvertebratesHonoursLaTrobe
1999COYSH, JulieMacroinvertebrate recolonisation pathways in a gravel bed river: implications of stream substratum complexityHonoursUniversity of Canberra
1999DAVIES, NeridaPrediction of local stream habitat features from catchment characteristicsHonoursUniversity of Canberra
1998O’CONNELL, MattDissolved organic carbon from components of floodplain litter: Release and bioavailabilityHonoursCharles Sturt University, Albury
1999THYER, Jo AnneEcology of the introduced snail Potamopyrgust antipodarum in South AustraliaHonoursUniversity of Adelaide
1999WINGLER, KylieEffect of small-scale and large-scale disturbances on the marcoinvertebrate fauna of Creighton’s Creek, VictoriaHonoursBiological Sciences, Monash University
1999WU, SophieBA comparison of two methods, FeOxide-strips and FeOxide-in-gel-, for determining bioavailable phosphorus concentration in natural waters.HonoursMonash
1996DOSS, FaberThe Development of a Quantitative Sd-FFF-ICP-MS MethodHonoursWater Studies Centre, Monash University
1998CONALLIN, AnthonyComparison of macroinvertebrate sampling techniques for the rapid bioassessment of lowland riversHonoursLa Trobe University
1996GREEN, DamianThe effect of diurnal light/dark periods on the growth and physiology of Microcystis spHonoursDeakin University
1996HERFORT, AlistairInduction of mixed functional oxidases in the yabby cherax destructorHonoursUniversity of Canberra
1996KINLEYSIDE, BronwynInfluence of natural organic matter on the uptake of phosphorous by hydro-iron-oxideHonoursWater Studies Centre, Monash University
2000ROBERTS, KateThe effect of drought on community structure of stream macroinvertebratesHonoursUniversity of Canberra
2000BRUNNER, PeterRiver channel morphology within the lower Balonne River system.HonoursUniversity of Canberra
2000BIGGIN, MargoSuspended sediment transport in a dryland river: The Barwon-Darling River systemHonoursUniversity of Canberra

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