Displaying 61 - 90 of 165 documents

YearCan be sorted ascending or descendingAuthorCan be sorted ascending or descendingThesis TitleCan be sorted ascending or descendingTypeCan be sorted ascending or descendingOrganisationSorted descending, can be sorted ascending
1998JUDGE, DavidPhenotypic variation in reproductive outputs in Emydura macquariiMastersUniversity of Canberra
1999COYSH, JulieMacroinvertebrate recolonisation pathways in a gravel bed river: implications of stream substratum complexityHonoursUniversity of Canberra
1999DAVIES, NeridaPrediction of local stream habitat features from catchment characteristicsHonoursUniversity of Canberra
2002PARSONS, MelissaCompositional patterns of lotic benthic macroinvertebrates: Relationship to habitat and the scale of measurement.PhDUniversity of Canberra
1999ROSE, TeresaEffect of flow regulation on downstream physical habitat structures for macroinvertebrates in the Snowy River, AustraliaMastersUniversity of Canberra
2004Peterson, KylieAge, growth and survival of larval fish in the Murray-Darling BasinPhDUniversity of Canberra
1999SWIREPIKE, JodyPhysical disturbance of Potamogeton tricarinatus and sediment by carp (Cyprinus carpio) in experimental pondsMastersUniversity of Canberra
1996HERFORT, AlistairInduction of mixed functional oxidases in the yabby cherax destructorHonoursUniversity of Canberra
2001GREEN, DamianPopulation dynamics and physiology of phytoplankton in an artificially perturbed reservoir.PhDUniversity of Canberra
2000ROBERTS, KateThe effect of drought on community structure of stream macroinvertebratesHonoursUniversity of Canberra
2000BRUNNER, PeterRiver channel morphology within the lower Balonne River system.HonoursUniversity of Canberra
2000BIGGIN, MargoSuspended sediment transport in a dryland river: The Barwon-Darling River systemHonoursUniversity of Canberra
1996PARSONS, MelissaThe Use of Habitat Specific Sampling for Rapid Biological Assessment of Lotic Waters in the ACTHonoursUniversity of Canberra
1996OSBURG, TomLand use change detection in the upper Yarra Valley using Landsat MSS imageryMastersUniversity of Canberra
1996TRUONG, Dao-minhUse of remote sensing to monitor land use change and assess its effect on the hydrology of Tuggeranong Creek catchmentMastersUniversity of Canberra
1999MAMALAI, Oscar (JR)River channel changes in a semi-arid riverHonoursUniversity of Canberra
1997BUCKLEY, David A theoretical framework for applying sediment guidelines for managing and protecting aquatic ecosystemsMastersUniversity of Canberra
1997JONES, SandraConservation biology of the endangered legless lizard, Apraisia parapulchella, in the Molonglo CatchmentPhDUniversity of Canberra
1997HOLLOWAY, SimonThe ecology of stream breeding frogs in east GippslandMastersUniversity of Canberra
1997HINDLE, Michelle Fluorescence monitoring of wastewater by flow injection analysisHonoursUniversity of Canberra
1997O'CONNOR, RuthAnalysis options for physical, chemical and biological water quality data in Blue Mountains streams, NSWMastersUniversity of Canberra
1997MATHIEU, JamieEffects of a point source of tertiary treated sewage effluent on algal metabolism in the Thredbo River, a sub-alpine stream in S.E. NSWHonoursUniversity of Canberra
1997RICHARDS, AnthonyInvestigation of the common reed as a means of riverbank stabilisationHonoursUniversity of Canberra
1997SEARLE, NirvanaImplementation of a community water quality assessment programHonoursUniversity of Canberra
1998ROSE, Teresa Effect of flow regulation on downstream physical habitat structures for macroinvertebrates in the Snowy River, AustraliaHonoursUniversity of Canberra
1997SLOANE, PhillipPollution bands for predictive modelling of water qualityHonoursUniversity of Canberra
1996SIMS, Neil Cumbung wetland on the Lachlan RiverHonoursUniversity of Canberra
1995PODREKA, SuzanaSex changes in turtles related to exposure to DDFHonoursUniversity of Canberra
1996WILLIAMS, Chris Rapid biological monitoring: A comparison of benthic macroinvertebrate sampling using 3 different mesh sizesHonoursUniversity of canberra
1996ROBINSON, Wayne Lizard-ant relationships of the endangered lizard Aprasia parapulchella in the Molonglo CatchmentMastersUniversity of Canberra

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