Publication (Media): Provision of extra water brings its own consequences
Publication Type:Media Release
Publication Name:Provision of extra water brings its own consequences

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Norris, R., Jones, G. and Milligan, Ann (2004) Provision of extra water brings its own consequences - Jan 09 2004, CRCFE, Canberra - Media Release.

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9 January 2004

Provision of extra water brings its own consequences

'Whichever option the ACT Government chooses for increasing Canberra’s water supply, there will be consequences for the environment', Professors Gary Jones and Richard Norris of the CRC for Freshwater Ecology said today.

`Whether we build a new dam, draw more water from the Cotter River, or pipe water from Tantangara Reservoir in NSW, the ACT community will need to consider all the benefits and costs involved -- in construction and water purchase and also to the environment', said Professor Jones, who is based at the University of Canberra.

`Only then can we make an informed decision about our water future', he said.

Some impacts are felt immediately downstream of a dam; others, hundreds of kilometres away. Careful engineering and smart operating rules can reduce their effects.

'Sustainability of both the river environment and river communities depends on a supply of clean water. A river that is environmentally challenged by lack of water is less able to deal with any contaminants that may be in the water that leaves the ACT via the Murrumbidgee River', said Professor Norris, of the University of Canberra's Water Research Centre.

`What's more, we need to learn from our experiences since the 2003 bushfire, and bring science and technology together right from the start as we examine the options for future water supply', he said. `The way to enlightened environmental and community sustainability is by letting scientists and managers work together as advisers', he said, `not by setting them against each other as adversaries'.


For interview: Professor Richard Norris, phone 6201 2543, 0408 610 342

Professor Gary Jones, phone 6201 5167, 0408 411 033 (not Tuesday 10 Feb)

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