Publication (Technical report): The re-establishment of endangered Macquarie Perch Macquaria australasica in the Queanbeyan River, New South Wales, with an examination of dietary overlap with alien trout
Publication Type:Technical report / Consultancy
Publication Name:The re-establishment of endangered Macquarie Perch Macquaria australasica in the Queanbeyan River, New South Wales, with an examination of dietary overlap with alien trout

Reference Information

Lintermans, Mark (2006) The re-establishment of endangered Macquarie Perch Macquaria australasica in the Queanbeyan River, New South Wales, with an examination of dietary overlap with alien trout. Technical report, CRCFE, Canberra.

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Googong Reservoir was constructed on the Queanbeyan River in 1978 in response to the need for an additional domestic water supply reservoir for Canberra. Monitoring of the reservoir fishery between 1978 and 1980 revealed that the nationally threatened fish species Macquarie perch was present but not recruiting. In an attempt to prevent the local extinction of this population of Macquarie perch, 57 adult fish were moved into the Queanbeyan River upstream in November 1980. This report presents the results of a comprehensive survey of the resulting population at three sites in summer 1996 and 1997. Their diet is compared with that of trout caught at the same time.

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