Publication (Technical report): Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Framework
Publication Type:Technical report / Consultancy
Publication Name:Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Framework

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Cottingham P., Quinn G., King A., Norris R., Chessman B. and Marshall C. (2005) Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Framework, CRCFE, Canberra.

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The Environmental flows monitoring and assessment framework has been produced as a guide for water and catchment management agencies and authorities that seek to assess the ecological effectiveness of specific environmental flow regimes. It can be applied to:
· releases of water from a storage such as a reservoir,
· modified water extraction directly from a river, and
· water allocation to specific sections of a system (e.g. icon sites in the River Murray).
It can also be used as generic checklist for those involved with designing and implementing monitoring programs.

The framework is consistent with the Australian Guidelines for Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting, and takes users through defining the problem, making decisions on study design, and final assessment and review.

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