Publication (Technical report): Historical evidence of native fish in the Murray-Darling Basin at the time of European settlement - from the diaries of the first explorers
Publication Type:Technical report / Consultancy
Publication Name:Historical evidence of native fish in the Murray-Darling Basin at the time of European settlement - from the diaries of the first explorers

Reference Information

Scott , Anthony C. (compiler) (2005) Historical evidence of native fish in the Murray-Darling Basin at the time of European settlement - from the diaries of the first explorers. CRCFE Technical report, CRCFE, Canberra.

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This study has collected, collated and reported observations of the native fish in the rivers of the Murray-Darling Basin from the diaries of the early explorers and settlers during the early 19th century.

The observations are useful historical information about the types and catchability of fish in the Murray-Darling Basin, pre-settlement and pre-river-regulation. They can be compared to observations made in recent scientific surveys of fish populations.

Although opportunistic observations do not have the formality of a scientific approach, they still provide a useful line of evidence, and in some instances the only line of evidence, about fish found in the Murray-Darling Basin in the early 1800s.
Contributing CRCFE staff:
Anthony C. Scott

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